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This topic contains 55 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by warumono-mode 9 years, 10 months ago.
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warumono-modesaidThe Society TYPE: Other MEMBERS: Konan Aljon, DevilAii Resident BACKGROUND: ((I'm so sad. I typed.. SO MUCH information and the page reset itself.. I'm sorry if the second draft is a mess or.. stupid. )) The Butterfly Society is a Crime Family, It started with three founding members, divulged in a life of crime, and tired of no one ever having their back. no one to rely on and no one to help them, even when their own families turn their backs on them because of the life they've chosen to lead.. So they took up arms together, and for once they weren't alone in their crime driven endevours, this quickly spread like wildfire, as friends of friends and others started joining in, soon enough they were a family of missmatched nar-do-wells who started taking on more members. now they have an entire mansion full of people they can rely on, because the first and formost rule of the Society, is that you do not turn your back on the family. You come when they need you and they're there when you need them. Because many of our members have jobs in other factions and connections in them we have a close knit society of people who can get things done, With a wide range of skill sets putting them above and beyond common thugs. The Ranks of the Society are as follows: Monarch - The title given to the Two owners and founding members of the Society. Their word is law in the house. It is their house and what they say goes. ViceRoy - The second in commands, they get roleplay going keep the flow of things and all around ensure everyone is happy in the house, They bring up the front of pushing OOC Events and helping get roleplay going to and from the house. Family - The generic role given to all family members who have gone through the trials and initiations and become a full fledged member of the society house family. They are your brothers and sisters, they are your equals. If you cause shit with each other, daddy will come in there and lay down the law. Kitten - The kitten rank is for Rin's girls. The Society has a Harem Front, and these girls work for the house. they live in the house and are quite spoiled, Although SOME kittens are Family members, not all are. some merely work here. and are treated as such. Their entire job is to dress sexy and cute, and lay around the house entertaining customers and being cuddly, sexy, or seductive. They are the playboy bunnies of the Monarch Mansion. And they are referred to as kittens, as they often have cat-ear headbands, and clip on tails for a more Moe look; Marked - This title is given to anyone who is in the house because they have been kidnapped, have been marked, or fallen victim to our crimes, this is to keep them in the loop for future endeavours, and often times are marked with a carved butterfly in their flesh, and sometimes, more rarely.. branded. These are our victims. and we like to keep them coming back for more. V.I.P - Lastly the VIP title is given to the customers and common visitors of the house who frequent the Society, they come for the girls, the drinks.. or the meth, really there are many reasons. but this title is given to anyone who frequents the house. and gives them opportunity to get involved! UNIQUE: The Business front of the Socitey, is the Harem run out of the mansion itself. The house not only houses the family and serves as a cosy retreat, but also duals as a public face to any who dare trek through the woods to find it. We have a fully functioning bar in which customers can purchase drinks, and more under the table, we often push our drugs onto our visitors, as we deal in Meth, Cocaine, and Weed. Though the crown jewel of the Monarch Estate, is the women, the sexy women who's entire job it is, is to keep sexy and make our customers happy, via private lap dances, snuggles, sitting on their lap. flirting and all around being desireable but unobtainable; in some cases with few of our women, for a much higher price than your common whore; they will perform above and beyond sexual favours for top dollar, but they will make it more than worth the dime. Any and all customers to the house are given the best of treatment. The Society house will also be hosting (hopefully weekly) events. in addition to a monthly party much like the sort from the great gatsby, coated in glam and glitter to hide the blood and violence that lies beneath the surface, This cover gives us a way to bring people to the house who have never otherwise known about it, show them the time of their lives and welcome them back again and again, it also will help with bringing exciting roleplay opportunities for all, as anything can happen at a party! This front has proven quite effective at hiding the illegal nonsense happening, as when the DEPD stormed the front door from a call they received, they were soo bewildered by the sexy women casually traipsing around, that no one noticed the flaming methlab in the backyard, nor the muffled cries of a victim tied in the basement. In addition to this, We also own and run the Smoke shop, Offering a secondary front to illegal activities we run in the background, another foothold to peddle drugs, and an important distraction should we need one! FLAW: One of the main flaws; in addition to all the individual flaws our members possess, and the fact that we help cater to their bizarre desires. would be that with so many family members, we often find ourselves in the heat of things, our bonds with some of the surrounding factions, and the extensive nature of our caring members, puts us in the middle of a lot of chaos. even if we were not directly involved, having a family member in the line of fire will call out the entire society to back them up and keep them safe. This often results in quite a few injuries and members in jail, and as with anyone on the run, our house is brimming with people who have trapsed ont he wrong side of the law, we walk a thin line between freedom and prison. should the house fall, all it's butterflies would fall too. POTENTIAL ENEMY: Our family is involved heavily with the bookstore, as Rayen Kelly, (Leesargeson Resident) Is a Viceroy of the Society, and his IC mother runs the shop, we tend to frequent the shop and get tied up in their family affairs as well as our own, A few members of our family also Work within the DEFD And bring in roleplay from there, using this as a cover to branch our connections out. There is potential for The Society to become rivals with The Syndicate, as we have no current issue with them, but alot of what we do is what they fight against. it could flourish into something if the two ever got entwined. EXPERIENCE:Iv'e been a Faction leader for various factions almost all my life, I've been the owner of several successful role-play sims and an Admin or mentor in dozens more. I'm always receiving praise for my groups as the most fun to play with and some of the "best role-play I've had in ages" People naturally follow me, because I'm a good leader and take care of everyone's needs as well as the needs of the whole faction.. and the sim. to make sure everyone has a good time! IDEAS:I always send a notice to my groups when a new member has joined to alert them and let them know to make them feel welcomes, and i tend to go out of my way to ensure they get a good first impression and engage them in the roleplay, sometimes with a trial or task to accomplish. I am also notorious for finding people with the 'visitor' tag who haven't yet been submerged into the city, and engage them in roleplay, and offer them some pretty fun plot lines to help them on their way to finding their place in the city! OTHER:Our family is involved heavily with the bookstore, as Rayen Kelly, (Leesargeson Resident) Is a Viceroy of the Society, and his IC mother runs the shop, we tend to frequent the shop and get tied up in their family affairs as well as our own, A few members of our family also Work within the DEFD And bring in roleplay from there, using this as a cover to branch our connections out. There is potential for The Society to become rivals with The Syndicate, as we have no current issue with them, but alot of what we do is what they fight against. it could flourish into something if the two ever got entwined. |
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