[FACTION] Static Bandits

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Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


DATE: 08/25/13

PROPOSAL BY: IrClaire Resident

GROUP NAME: Static Bandits

FORUM ID:IrClaire Resident

MEMBERS: Irclaire Resident, Malinrof Resident, Fostercain Resident, Radhagrim Resident

TYPE: Gang

BACKSTORY: The Static Bandits are a group of criminals who are out for chaos within the city, with no real intention of financial gain in the long run. The aim is to gather a group of the most chaotic and fun loving criminals around and bring them together to form a group setting out to cause havoc. The ultimate goal, however far fetched, is to turn Dead end into a lawless free-for-all city run by the gangs and factions. They require very little funding for their ventures, though if needed gain most of their wealth through robberies and muggings to use to their own individual needs or towards bigger plans. The idea is they will strike out at the Police and any authority figure they can, trying to cause panic and mayhem for their enjoyment along the way. Publicity stunts that range from the cruel to the downright bizarre will take place across the city, in hopes of making it clear something is coming. The idea to start this comes from Al’s ever growing boredom with the city, finding most fun is stomped out swiftly by the police or is unmanageable without some numbers and organization. So she has been looking at her close friends and not so close, moving to bring them together to make a group of skilled and yet slightly un-professional criminals. The first stage of this would be Al securing numbers and ramping up the petty crime within the city, break ins and attacks on people being the main focus. Once secured they would go about making big gestures of violence and betrayal trying to stir up trouble between factions and alliances, trying to kick people to making the city closer to what they desire. Planting false evidence, playing with shipments between allied groups and letting slip false information.

UNIQUE: The Static Bandits aims to be the city's group of violent criminals who aim to spread chaos across the city, trying to breed it into a lawless fun-land for their personal games. They don’t strive for money or necessarily power, but to upset the status-quo and make an impression. They’re unique in that concept they’re unpredictable in their alliances as much as their rivals, changing sides and seeming to only care for their own. I think this group can bring a very rebellion feeling to Dead End, a brazen group of criminals who can keep the police busy with their own antics or even carry out contracts for the other factions in attempts for quick cash or favors. A group devoted to robberies, muggings and assaults at the start and hopefully moving to create riots and raids on unsuspecting hot-spots in the future. Not to mention at causing mischief between the current factions to encourage all out gang wars, involving themselves in the violence too of course.

FLAW: The flaw the Bandits will have is mainly they’re not a group of professionals and seldom will be able to do anything subtlety much to Al’s dismay. Their antics will be bold and themselves bolder, which would possibly make the PD install a revolving door for their gang members. Not to mention the habit to cause chaos would not go down with well with many people, resulting in perhaps far too many enemies than they would like.

POTENTIAL ENEMY: I would be using the comic store as a front for the gang, while it would become this I don’t intend to change the basic function of the store. Mainly it’s a great place for sewer access for the Bandits to move all over the city unnoticed and a place to create and stash props and costumes for their crimes without anyone batting an eyelid. Many of us own land holdings throughout the Sim that can be used as bases or areas for the gang to meet in private. Finally, I feel the Bandits can bring a more brutal and underdog like gang to the city and stir up some mayhem into the streets instead of behind closed doors. Violent and unpredictable the members may be, I feel this idea has potential to become a benefit to the Sim and it’s roleplay community.

EXP:I’ve been roleplaying around eight to nine years now and have managed a number of guilds and groups across a variety of MMO’s and forums. I have the time and passion to get this ball rolling and I’m willing to dedicate what I have to. Though a fairly fresh face to Dead End and SL I feel I have gained enough courage and ideas to make this work! I’m already keen to get going and thinking up stories and plots that could involve everyone from the Police department to Muramasa. I feel I have the communication skills and the right approach to make these ideas happen.

IDEAS:Firstly I feel we can bring a bit more all out gang violence into the city, turf wars, brawls and hopefully get people involved who wish to be. I will be trying my best to involve players who seem to miss out on big plots and make our crimes involve everyone, like one giant bloody family. Static Bandits want to shake up the city, and to do that we need to involve everyone we can. I will actively encourage people to speak to me if they have an idea that could involve the bandits and be approaching other Faction leaders in the hopes we can cook up some big plots. Also I feel we’re all fairly welcoming people and will always be looking for people once we advanced to a high stage for people who would fit in well with us. I want to encourage new players to the sim to be able to be apart of our storylines and for us to enrich theirs.

OTHER:I would be using the comic store as a front for the gang, while it would become this I don’t intend to change the basic function of the store. Mainly it’s a great place for sewer access for the Bandits to move all over the city unnoticed and a place to create and stash props and costumes for their crimes without anyone batting an eyelid. Many of us own land holdings throughout the Sim that can be used as bases or areas for the gang to meet in private. Finally, I feel the Bandits can bring a more brutal and underdog like gang to the city and stir up some mayhem into the streets instead of behind closed doors. Violent and unpredictable the members may be, I feel this idea has potential to become a benefit to the Sim and it’s roleplay community.

August 25, 2013 at 9:25 pm
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August 26, 2013 at 12:49 pm
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August 27, 2013 at 1:59 am
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