[FACTION] La Cosa Nostra

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DATE: 04/21/11

PROPOSAL BY: Aemilius Marenwolf

GROUP NAME: La Cosa Nostra


MEMBERS: Aemilius Marenwolf, Gia Thorne, Marek Treves, Lynx Debruyere

BACKSTORY: Detail your faction’s back-story and overall agenda (Ie. History, trade/funding, street names, member ranks, faction tags/colors/apparel, etc.) Antonio sat comfortably in his plush leather seat while smoking a long brown cigar like he were some dictator of a small country. Smoke wafted into the air mystically, saturating it with the Cubin import heavily while the Politician sat across puffing on the brother cigar which was given to him before business was discussed. Like a dagger cutting thought a pork thigh his gaze glared through the smoke to his potential business partner. “So Tony, tell me about your proposition. I mean I knew you’re father, who was a great man, and his goals,” the Politician spoke while holding the illegal cigar between his fingers. “Let me get this strait before we continue. You, some Verona Italian boy, scorn by his Don wants to take over the entire business?” ((Here comes the history for those folks looking for it : ) )) Leaning forward and unbuttoning his fine suit’s jacket simultaneously, “I understand Tony, you’ve got a personal vendetta, but I don’t see how you could run the family. Its an organization which stems from old world Italy. Only four Don’s have managed to run it successfully and now you want to shake things up? You’re father had me as a close ally, its true I wouldn’t be here without his help, god bless his soul, but I’m going to have to know more about what you’re planning on doing before I can give you my support here,” he pleaded with the up and coming mobster. Casually puffing on his cigar he’d correct the Politician in a cocky, egotistical voice, “You’re right Senator, and I respect that completely.” Continuing his conversation after a brief pause to puff on his cigar casually, “I know you’re worries Senator, and let me give you a guarantee which will suppress you’re worries. First, let me clarify a few things for you… My family comes from Verona,” emphasizing on the correct Italian pronunciation of the word so that the Senator wouldn’t Americanize the name any further, “and if you know anything about Italian history, or any sort of poetry you’ll know that my people are passionate.” Puffing his cigar again in brief intermission, “My people have dominated the world with only a few thousand men, Rome still exists as the largest church in the world. The fact that you’d even think that I couldn’t run such a business offends me and my race. I resent if Senator, but none the less I’ll continue. My father worked for the Family before I was born, and through his wake I’ve accomplished much more then he could have dreamed of. With people like you he helped to shape the family to what it is now, and I’d like to renew that friendship my father had with you into one that I could favor?” Again Antonio puffed his cigar while eyeing the Senator, “If you agree to support my position in the family you can expect to gain a profit from my many income ventures as a private investor of sorts.” Smirking slightly with devilish slanted eyes as he spoke about profit. All Senators were the same, when money was waved in their faces they really started to pay attention. ((Trade/funding, Street names, member ranks and Faction tags)):: The entire time Tony spoke you puffed on your cigar calculating eacho word spoken. But upon hearing profit your lips couldn’t help but turn into a smile, “So what are we talking about here?” Glancing over to Gianna whom stood in the room idly allowing the men to talk, he motioned to his empty glass with his eyes alone, commanding her to fill his and his guest’s while he answered the Senators question. “DE is ripe full of opportunity, human trafficking, drugs, protection, prostitution, you name is Sir, its filled with malleable degenerates. Once La Cosa Nostra roots itself you’ll see plenty of profit. And not to mention the loyalists whom become affiliates of the organization would support you.” Arching his brow at the mention of support, a silent business offer which was presented as a manipulation tool against the Senator whom listened with pleased ears. “Once I become Don and lead the family, you’ll have complete support of my organization. From the under boss, consigliore, captains (capo), soldiers, button men, even our associates would all support you. La Cosa Nostra would be a valuable asset to your gain of the political seat in office once again.” Antonio knew how to play his cards well, laying them out in temptation for the Senator to gawk at. “You’ll know when one of my family is on the street, their fine clothing and slicked back hair should be a find hint.” ((OOC Information: This group/gang if you want to call it that doesn’t have any unique colors. The overall Agenda for this group is to start setting up Business in town. I think that the Mafia family will be a tie for may other groups to start actively playing with each other. I can see heads of each business/organization sitting down at the same table to discuss ‘business’ with each other in a neutral environment due to the Mafia‘s involvement. I can also see the Judicial system being involved in corrupt agreements here and there.))

UNIQUE: How does your faction fit into Dead End City? What makes it unique compared to others? You couldn’t help but smile while the next question spilled from your lips, “So how are you going to fit into Dead End City? I mean you can just show up and claim stake on the area as your own?” Antonio shifted in his seat as his leg crossed over the other, planting the ankle from his right foot on the perch of his knee on his left leg. “I’m a business man Senator, I’m not some thuggish group or a bunch of hood rats trying to make a quick buck and claiming to own anything. I like working for my money, and like any good business man you have to be flexible. Unlike the other shops, groups, and biker clubs in town I wont be an isolationist, my doors are open for business to everyone. The lonely drug dealer can call me friend, the whore can work in a safe atmosphere provided by me, gambling can be fun again, Policemen will have real work to do, and the real kick is I’ll have nothing but smiling faces pointing in my direction.” Glowing red hot the cherry of his cigar took on a vibrant glow as he puffed on it a few long times. “Look at it this way, Police, Hospital workers, Bartenders, Union workers, I could just keep going on and on, their all welcome to work with me,” looking over to Lynx whom sat in the room before puffing a large plume of smoke out. “All walks of people, cast, creed, are welcome to partake in their fair share of the wealth.” Velvet soft chuckles ebbed from him while he drank some of his Scotch, wetting is lips with the burning liquid before continuing. “DE is just the kind of place that’s needs me. I watched two rapes performed in a matter of hours in-between each other, two different men. Rapes Senator,” trying to make his point, “if I were in town those men wouldn‘t have to resort to rape, I‘d have women whom could service them. And the businesses there are protected by the local police as best as they can, and then some even resorted to getting protection from the chaotic Biker gangs. Come on, you can see how ripe the place is for some business men to step in?” (((OOC Information: I personally think that my Italian Mafia idea fits wonderfully into DE, its just so flexible and really it has no restrictions as to what could happen?)))

EXP:What qualities/experience do you think you have the will make you a good leader in DE? (( As for qualities/experience I have to be a good leader boils down to this. One, I‘m an adult and understand we are all here to have a good time. We are all friends here trying to achieve something together. Its like music in a symphony, we are all playing to the same tune. With this understanding I‘m willing to submit to the will of the group. Two, ((here comes the nerd-gasm)) I’ve been a DM in DND, World of Darkness, Fantasy Craft and many other games. I know what responsibilities I will have as being a leader with providing entertaining storylines, offering help to new members, and working out issues between friends, I personally think I can do it. Finally, I know what I want, I‘m not indecisive and I am passionate about this Mafia Idea, so I wont let it die prematurely and I will smooth out the bumps. Not only do I feel this way but many of my fellow co-creators of this group do. We are not a singular ran group following one persons vision but a group of friends chasing the same desire in RP. So not only will I be working to keep things running smoothly, but my officers will be doing the same.))

IDEAS:What kind of new ideas/events will you bring to the table with your group to help better the DE community and newcomers overall, both ic and ooc? ((Based off of what you’ve read above you’ll note that Antonio, who is the group leader of this RP, isn’t the DON of the family. Hinting that there is still work to be done. An Event within the family will be held once a month which could be as trivial as Dinner at Antonio’s house, or as spectacular as a murder/kidnapping. Within the group we have a time line of assigned events, these are there to provide the group with stimulating RP and a constant, ‘something to do,’ feeling. Now yes it does sound secular, but I’d like to establish an epicenter for the spiraling RP while allowing it to expand and spill over into the community. I’m working on building its foundations first, then moving out. Once that is obtained I can see many Events unfolding for the community. This is the Italian mob were talking about. Something on my agenda time line for the group already involves the community. Antonio will eventually become the DON, and like all great mobsters he will feel the heavy hand of the law eventually. Based off the friendships and RP that my group established will be the only determining factor as to if or if not Antonio will go to jail? Who knows, maybe by then Anja and Antonio will be enemies and she’ll toss his ass in prison with the rest of his family? Really there are so many concepts and possibilities for the community to experience through this group I could spend the rest of my time just typing it all up. As leader I’m willing to accept all ideas and requests for the Mafia’s involvement in equal consideration. As for new comers we welcome them too, if they are looking for little missions or events to do with the mafia group I’d be willing to work something out. We all started off as new players at one point, and I’d like to be the guy who they recall later down the road as their friend. Everyone from the newbie to the experienced master Rper will be welcomed to RP with the family and even join the group. If you’ve ever watched the Godfather, perhaps one of the greatest mobster movies out there, you’ll note that not everyone was a leader or even really in the family? Luca, the big ugly guy who gets stabbed in the hand and choked, was a main character in the book and movie. He wasn’t even a Capo(Captain) in the family and he was the most loyal out of everyone. All I’m trying to convey is there will be roles for everyone within the group no matter what experience you have. But also understand its what you put into it that you’ll receive. OOCLY I think with all the connections and such, since I see this being a multifaceted storyline, I’d be able to point players to the right style/type of rp/story they are looking for personally.))

OTHER:Any other details you’d like to add to convince us that your concept would be a good fit for DE? Just think of the possibilities and how flexible the RP could be? I see it touching every business, legit organization, law characters, even the new newspaper group and even other factions. Bribes, corruption, awesome kidnappings, prostitution, judicial stimulation, strong arming situations, false information within the newspapers, feuds, and quality RP over quantity can be expected. I’m also willing to listen to the community and change things as needed. I want to see this happen, but if it needs tweaking I’m willing to. Thank you for considering this proposal.

April 21, 2011 at 9:30 am
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April 21, 2011 at 9:51 am
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April 21, 2011 at 2:32 pm
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April 21, 2011 at 4:36 pm
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April 21, 2011 at 4:37 pm
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April 21, 2011 at 7:37 pm
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April 21, 2011 at 9:35 pm
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April 22, 2011 at 6:22 am
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April 22, 2011 at 12:25 pm
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May 3, 2011 at 4:25 am
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