[FACTION] Eventide Corporation

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DATE: 04/11/11

PROPOSAL BY: Anasaji Sempati

GROUP NAME: Eventide Corporation

FORUM ID:Heroingirl

MEMBERS: Jaylen Halsey, Jessie Torkelsonn, Rikka Ishtari, Horatio Gloom

BACKSTORY: Backstory: When I first got to DE there was not a lot going on late at night when I am most active on the sim. We started the Pawn King to sell drugs out of, using the basement as a flophouse. Many people I have met on the sim, I met by offering a place to stay till they got on their feet, giving them a home base to start their rp from. We still do that. The business side of things grew, selling drugs, renting girls, and we still man the Pawn King as well. We have gained tight regulars and contacts all through hard work in rp, slowly carving a niche for our operations over the last four months. We now have solid drug suppliers, a small brothel with a room at Lulus, and a growing number of rp enemies and allies. *** Agenda: Concerned with what would happen to the organization and holdings if she or her board were ever convicted for their crimes, she's decided to form a proper corporation which all her legit businesses can operate under, protecting them legally. She's worked very hard with corporate lawyers and reading books on modern business to form a comprehensive business model, purchasing land and developing it within DE. Really their main agenda is to make as much money as possible, supplying the citizens of DE with whatever they are buying, legit and not. **************** These are the detailed levels of hierarchy in the group, maybe boring reading for most, but I wanted to show that it has been thoroughly thought out with longevity and stability of the group in mind: *** Chief Executive: Ana is 5'2" of bossy reigning dictator in her growing crime organization. She receives a cut of every operation taken on by every member of her crew. She oversees many of the relationships and deals that keep her organization running, much of it held in strict confidence with her Board of Directors. *** Board of Directors: Ana's most trusted, they have the authority to become acting boss if Ana is temporarily out of commission such as imprisonment or forced on the run. None are higher than the other, they will rule by vote if they cannot solve it peaceably in talks. Each of them oversee a piece of the organization. *** Thugs & Dealers: Dealers are the blue collar backbone along with escorts that really earn the money with the street level dealing of our drugs. Thugs are the barely controlled psychopaths, whose responsibilities include sanctioned assaults, kidnappings, rape, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, etc. In return, they are paid well for their services and have full access to the crews connections and power (such as legal protection, and free escorts). Both thugs and dealers can run their own legit IC businesses as well, under the umbrella of our Corp so they don't get bored or feel stuck in one role. *** Escorts: The escorts employed tend to be top notch, not typical strung out street prostitutes. They are trained, housed if needed, protected, and disciplined (and sometimes purchased from traffickers if it's the right girl). Regular check-ups and testing at the hospital is mandatory. Intravenous drug use, and those that act out of line will be dealt with forcibly, and if they can't eventually be made to comply will be either resold or released from employment. The alley between Pawn Shop and Pizza slut all the way to Lulus is "their" corner, for when escort work is slow. We also have a standing arrangement with Lulu's, and they are able to work out of the VIP room rented just for Ana's girls. *** Associates: The main drug suppliers, the contracted specialists, corporate and criminal lawyers, money launderers, bribed officials, cops, etc. They are the people that work with Eventide, without working for Eventide. Anyone with major ties to the crew without falling in the above categories, fall into this. It is possible for them to hold nearly as much power as the Board of Directors in the organization depending on what they do. ****************

UNIQUE: We all live in a major city surrounded by sky scrapers and other evidence of large corporate offices. I feel this avenue for criminal organization is largely untapped in DE. There are many opportunities for rp within the group, and with the other factions and businesses in DE from the corporate perspective. We may not dress like a corporate moguls, but in this day of internet meetings and phone conferencing it is hardly necessary. The group will be focused on providing professionals with clean, safe girls.. pure, quality drugs, and maintaining a reasonable level of confidence regarding their specific predilections the cities wealthy and influential would prefer to keep under wraps. Behind the scenes, I'd like us to also look at DE politics and big business solidarity. *** She will tell anyone who will listen that it's all about making DE a better place, and how very civic minded their business is, referencing the free lodgings for the homeless (who she tries either pimping or getting hooked on their drugs), and how many jobs they are providing to its citizens. Though more interested in making friends then enemies, (it's more lucrative), they will defend their little empire if there is no other option. Likely this will come sideways in the form of blackmail or other coerce means rather than a face to face fight.

EXP:I have the free time to run a group, the motivation, and the desire. My rp is solely in DE, I don't rp anywhere else. I have led rp groups rl and online for better than 12 years now. I enjoy meeting new peeps and helping them out, getting them involved right away in storylines. I admit this is probably the hardest question, I don't answer these types of things very well.. but whether or not my group is approved, I will constantly have the best interests of the role-players in DE at heart. I am also active on the forums, and will continue to use that venue to work with the other groups to develop interesting storylines and keep the occasional dramas that crop up at bay.

IDEAS:I would like to keep close tabs with other factions so we can delegate rp with each other’s groups, and also I'd like to orchestrate scenarios with my group members and other professionals in town.. Things like donating large sums at the hospital to get a wing named after Eventide, hosting charity events (supplying the hookers and blow of course.. and perhaps some sneaky snapshots of them as leverage, Just In Case), hiring more player-characters for her legal team and money laundering. Trading stories on other factions with the DE Daily in return for good press about their businesses. I would love to get more involved with some long term stories, and focus on building reasons for people to stay in DE, to help with some of the complaints about high turnover here. I will continue to operate the free board in the basement of Pawn King, and getting people involved whenever I possibly can.

OTHER:Tight, sideways, and twice on Tuesdays? I think I said it all!

April 11, 2011 at 11:55 pm
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April 12, 2011 at 2:02 am
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April 12, 2011 at 8:49 am
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April 12, 2011 at 5:59 pm
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April 12, 2011 at 7:46 pm
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April 12, 2011 at 10:48 pm
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April 12, 2011 at 11:26 pm
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April 13, 2011 at 6:21 am
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April 13, 2011 at 1:31 pm
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April 15, 2011 at 1:22 am
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April 19, 2011 at 2:58 am
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