[FACTION] Doz Equis

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cara Crowe Faerie Lindley 11 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


DATE: 08/19/13

PROPOSAL BY: Lidia Blackheart


FORUM ID:lidia blackheart

MEMBERS: Lidia Blackheart, Jaylah Sass, mordred leodhais, Cawktease

TYPE: Street Gang

BACKSTORY: A once well known gang in DeadEnd that disbanded due to the leaders conviction to prison for murder.. Now back on her feet she contacted old members and new contacts and has decided to get her gang back up and running.. Doz Equis is not a brand of Mexican beer, but it is just as awesome! It is the wrath-child of Lidia Blackheart. Borne out of the gutter and filth of Dead End’s Red Light District, Doz Equis was Lidia’s vehicle of revenge against those who have wronged her and those closest to her. It went from vengeance to making money and a lot of it.. It soon came to a realization that they could run a successful drug operation in deadend, practically under the DEPD's nose! Not only drugs but also protection or using the gang as a way for others to exact revenge for the right price of course! They will be going back to selling designer drugs and controlled substances and will quickly branched out into the protection, enforcing and information procurement. In doing this it makes Doz Equis as diverse as they are dangerous. Lidia is the matriarch of the group, and as all mothers do, she wishes to see her child grow into something more and it did till it became apparent the gang had started to flounder. With the war over with the rabbits and Bean and Lidia on some what shaky ground but able to get along for the time being.. One thing I plan to do is keep selling the rabbits weed, they don't deal much on the streets and that will keep the gangs together in a truce for as long as they can get along.. Having more dealers on the streets will make getting drugs more accessible to the citizens as well.. Doz equis did very well in the drug front and there is places I as a leader needed to work on to be come a more effective leader.. Activity on my part doesn't have anything to do with it, I have to keep everyones activity up and get the gang into a lots of things to keep us out there and known.. I think this time will go much better for the gang and myself, as I have a few more things figured out and will at my best of ability try to be less stubborn about things! One big thing we had problems with last time was communication but there will be rules and things set forth to help with that and I will be much more diligent about it.. So to recap doz equis, street gang, drugs, enforcement, information procurement basically taking care of business ;)!!

UNIQUE: We are heavy into drug, but the uniqueness is the amount of dealers we have had and plan to have again on the streets.

FLAW: keeping the truce with the rabbits.. seems like one thing or another throws a wrench in it and war is on the horizon!

POTENTIAL ENEMY: Doz Equis did really well till we started to lose members.. I am hoping to change a few things to keep that from happening again.. All I can promise is to work hard and try even harder to make it a great rp experience for the whole sim!

EXP:I have been a leader in deadend for a year, and recently promoted to security.. I am nice,understand

IDEAS:ok with the business i am running and hoping to get elected as county commissioner.. My goal is to get pot legal in deadend.. Not only so I can sell it in the store but so people have to actively go to the hospital and see a psychiatrist or a doctor to get a script for it.. or file for a license to sell and grow.. This move isn't just going to bring me rp but the whole sim.. It is going to make it where the city hall or court house gets more activity and the hospital..

OTHER:Doz Equis did really well till we started to lose members.. I am hoping to change a few things to keep that from happening again.. All I can promise is to work hard and try even harder to make it a great rp experience for the whole sim!

August 19, 2013 at 7:49 pm
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August 21, 2013 at 1:51 pm
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