[Faction] Booster Pack

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DATE: 12/10/11

PROPOSAL BY: Tawny Gellner

GROUP NAME: Booster Pack


MEMBERS: Tawny Gellner, Chronic Restless, adarafylkir Resident, Clettus Resident

BACKSTORY: History: A group of friends that all met hanging out at the local garage saw the abundance of vechicals that were either abandoned or even just roaming the streets of Dead End. After many secret converstations they decided that they would be the one's to cash in on this rather profitable business. After Tink's dad was so kind as to send his old tow truck to his daughter she decided to use this as the start to a new beginning for her and other's working at the garage. General Group Description: We are just a small group of gear heads with a need for speed. Most of us have a unique ability based around vehicles in the form of mechanics, value or even the talent of obtaining procurable goods of something with a motor. It is not all about the crime it is more about the thrill. Most of the time you can find us hanging about the Broken Knuckle Garage or at LuLu's partaking in the finer things in the Dead End Life. Trade/Funding: The group will maintain it's income with the liquidation of assests that they aquire. They will also offer up their services to the city and if needed they would be more than willing to run an impound yard for the police department. Contracts can be negotiated with other factions that have people who owe them money and favors and repo vechicals for them as needed. Ranks/Roles: Booster, Research & Aquisitions, Decoy's, Bailer, Community Liaison Tags: DEBP with the title the member will hold or BP with the role. Clothing: Clothing will be at the discretion of the player in the situation that they are in.

UNIQUE: We are all active role-players with the want to get out in the community and to interact with other people. With the type of role-play that we have observed we think that indeed we could be a perfect fit with the others that already exist in the city. We are unique because we do have the passion to get out there and get it done. We do not wait for other's to rp with we go and do what needs to be done.

EXP:I have had over 4 years of active RP experience an helped many group leaders to run their groups. I felt the want this time to step up and actually try it for my self. I am a very people oriented person and I have served as a moderator on a few sims. I tend to keep a level head and remain open to other concepts and ideas.

IDEAS:We had all sat around and spoke of many different ideas and all of them seemed to be centered around the garage at one point of another. So with useing the garage as a starting point we brainstormed. Using the garage as a cover it would allow us access to many things that we would need. We wanted to talk to the police department about helping them to run an impound yard for vechicals that would be taken from citizens of the city. We would have a paper trail of course, but don't be suprised if one or two go missing. We also wanted to work with other people or factions in the city that might need debt collection of sorts and handle private reposetions. But because we are a social lot and we do tend ot hang out at the garage a lot we are there when a lot of new people come into the city and offer up what assistance we can to new citizens and are always up for role-play with pretty much so anyone.

OTHER:Were just a fun lot...if your ever bored feel free to mosey on over to the garage and hang out for a bit!

December 11, 2011 at 1:50 am
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