Eveline Smith

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of wayfareangel Anonymous 13 years, 5 months ago.

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Profile photo of wayfareangel



Hey all! My name is Wayfare Angel, and if all goes well I'll be playing Eveline Smith, a nurse at Dead End Memorial ^_^ ASSUMING I get approved 😛 I really look forward to writing with you guys, as you have such an interesting mythos going on. When I have more time I'll take a picture of my avatar and stuff to use as a profile photo.

If I am approved for the Hospital Role, this will be my profile description:

Eveline Smith, Evi for short, is not a unique special snowflake, and she'll be the first to admit this. Her story is an old one, two loving parents, lots of brothers and sisters, and no money. Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks wasn't all bad, though. Evi learned a lot from the denizens of her home town, such as how to mix home made explosives, what drugs mix well with others, and that she loved helping people. Evi found out early her love of medicine, and set her sights on nursing early on. By the time she was fourteen everyone in the neighborhood knew that if you needed stitches and couldn't afford them, or if you were injured and didn't want any questions, you went to Evi. By the time she was ready to go to nursing school, Evi was more than ready and a combination of hard work and lots of previous practice helped her graduate at the top of her class. The next few years Evi traveled to remote areas with various charitable groups distributing vaccines to the poor and needy, and helping doctors perform procedures in unfavorable conditions. These are the places where Evi found she flourished: working with little resources and trying to piece things together out of nothing but hope and creativity. This is probably what brought Evi to apply to Dead End Memorial Hospital, a place guaranteed to always have more patients than it can handle, and never enough hands. Evi is 25 years old, but looks younger than she is. She just stands at 5'3, not counting her small mohawk, and is lean from a steady regimen of daily exercise. She tends to dress casual, favoring rimless glasses, with a little bit of a punk/goth edge when not at work. At work you'll find her in her favorite all purpose sneakers and the most colorful scrubs she can find.

If I'm not approved, I'll change this later. Looking forward to writing with you guys ^_^If you think Evi would work well with a plot you're thinking up, PM me here, or IM me in game and let me know!

Unfortunately I confused MEtagaming with Powergaming on my app >< I'm so used to just calling it God Moding. Metagaming is when you take information you learned OOC and miraculously having your character know it IC. Sorry about that ^^,,

October 13, 2011 at 9:45 pm
Profile photo of wayfareangel



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October 13, 2011 at 9:53 pm
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