Dita's DL.

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of dita-actor dita actor 8 years, 4 months ago.

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dita actor


A new year rolls around and I'll promise myself a new this or that at the start of it - then I blink and find myself in Fall. I can't remember the last time I wrote about any of it - or even if I've ever wrote at all; but I find myself returning to old habits and familiar places, a slightly different me.
Walking around in the city yet again; just like me, she is also slightly different -- and we get reacquainted an alley at a time. It seems my return is a fortuitous one and I am not alone in my penchant for a little nostalgia, as I see one or two of the old faces familiar to me.
Some, like LuLus, have been given an entirely different face lift! But the old bones are still there...
Who would have thought that in returning I'd find a sort of peace? In a city famous for its carnage and violence - I have come to occupy a little corner and stake it as mine.
I'm at the Hedonist most days in the week - a couple of hours seeing to drinks.
The crowd there is surprisingly civil and have a way of going about their own business; so I'm rarely harassed.

Once in a while I think to myself , this place could do with some livening up! Pfft who am I kidding? I rather like it this way if I'm honest. I did think of asking the management if they'd consider holding a regular Bingo night or maybe like other places, to have a Bingo call in the day for those old age pensioners it might bring in more revenue that way. We could also start a lottery or run a monthly raffle. Just a thought.

October 21, 2016 at 5:14 pm
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