Digital Media Team wants You!

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kahlen Vaniva kahlen-vaniva 11 years, 1 month ago.

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Digital Media
The newspaper was updated last year on the web but articles are primarily written by the editor and few staff reporters. We’ve seen significant growth on Flickr, too. This focus’ leader needs to accomplish the following:

Articles need to be edited and published within 48 hours.
Establish and promote a DE Photographer role and hire IC “freelance” photographers who are actually capable of taking excellent screenshots (look on DE Flickr for potentials). Have them post amazing shots there that can be sourced in the future for articles.
Build a team of active Flickr users who can run contests, judge, and help promote its usage. Grow the flickr user base.
Nadir will place new mesh newspaper, flickr, and twitter vendors around the city for easy access to load those pages.

Those are the guidelines Nadir has set forth for the year for us. From there we have updated the Daily office, adding laptops that link directly to the daily website. So long as you are registered with the site it opens a page for you to post a story. This is something that anyone and everyone can use and are encouraged to.

While I do understand not everyone wants to be a reporter, the DE Daily also has a need for Photographers as well! Please if you're talented and take good looking SL photos please consider joining the group and helping out in that way.

As lead of the Digital Media team some of my goals for the team this year are as follows.

- Encourage all business leads and gang leaders to create an IC twitter and encorporate it in their IC play. It gives another dimension to things and if the DE users are suscribed to your twitter it's one more way to get word out of things going on.

- Flickr we've got lots of talented artists out there who add to the feed nearly daily. I'd love to see some of those photos used in the paper and am looking for some IC photographers. Beyond that I am interested in doing a monthly " Theme " for photos shot in DE with prizes. The winning photo will be displayed around Dead End and featured in the daily as well. I've also been asked to do another photo scavenger hunt so I'll need some help planning that.

-the DE Daily !
- I've got several goals there. First and foremost is to get a team of reporters. Currently the majority of the stories are written by me. I'd like that to change. to get some other voices and views. The more people write for the daily the larger the variety of stories we can offer. Everyone has something to share and contribute.
- I would like to see at least one story per month from each business in Dead End. Be it an event they're planning.. a crime that's happened or even just a special their running. Lets make sure everyone is represented.

- I'd like to add a couple features to the daily. We currently have a fashion writer.
- I'd like to add a Sports column.. which could be nods at RL sports events tied into DE for example .. what the different businesses around DE are doing for the Supergame or derby day or which bar is hosting a party for the opening ceremony of the olympics.
- gossip Columnist we've had one in the past and it went over really well however I ddint have the energy to continue to write it as well as writing the news stories etc etc. I'd love! to see person who is willing to spread IC rumors on who's doing what, who they think is raping pillaging and plundering what.. who's having who's baby and the like. IF this idea appeals to you but you dont want to do it under your characters name.. we can certainly give you a pen name.

Beyond that I am open to ideas and am willing to go the extra mile to help grow the daily and get some great stories built up in DE. I need your help and I can't wait to hear from you.

If you're interested in joining the Digital Media team.. feel free to reply here or you can reach me on Skype Kahlen.Vaniva or eamil me at and of course.. reach me in world .. I'm .. Kaheln Vaniva

January 23, 2014 at 2:33 pm
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