DEPD and HPD Officer Exchange Program

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I am lazy so I am copy and pasting the HPD's statement.. Because it fits perfectly!

HPD / DEPD Officer Exchange Program

In order to foster closer links and co-operation the HPD and DEPD Command are launching an exchange program.

Officers of any rank from both departments may apply for short attachments with the other force. Officers will retain their own uniforms and badge ((and dept. tags)), but will be formally ‘deputised’ for the duration of their attachment to allow them limited law enforcement jurisdiction.

Officers are reminded that the two Police departments serve very different communities, with their own culture and practices. Whilst on attachment Officers will be serving as ‘ambassadors’ from their home city and so extremely high standards of behaviour and courtesy to the other department is expected. Any reports that come home suggesting actions which bring our force into disrepute will be dealt with severely.

Whilst on attachment, the ‘visiting’ Officer will operate under the supervision of a ‘local’ Officer and must ONLY patrol in their company. Regardless of rank, the local Officers will always have primacy in any engagement with their citizens. The visiting Officer should think of themselves as acting ‘in support’ of the local department. Please also note that firearms are prohibited in Dead End and DEPD Officers will be unarmed whilst on attachment in Hathian. Bear in mind travel time between Michigan and Louisiana.

Officers wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should apply in writing to their home Dept. commander for the necessary paperwork to be completed:

HPD: Detective Lieutenant Angel Mooonshadow ((AngelLynne Moonshadow))

DEPD: Captain Shade Manx ((Shade Manx))

April 27, 2015 at 10:36 pm
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