DEPD 10 Codes

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10-1 Poor signal
10-2 Good signal
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Affirmative/Okay
10-5 Relay message
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat message
10-10 Fight
10-11 Talking too fast - repeat message
10-12 Officials or visitors present, do not transmit sensitive information
10-13 Advise of weather and road conditions
10-14 Escort
10-15 Prisoner in custody
10-16 Pick up prisoners at ___
10-17 Pick up papers at __
10-18 Complete present assignment quickly
10-19 Return to station
10-22 Take no further action
10-23 Arrived on scene
10-24 Departing scene
10-26 Motorist assist at ___
10-27 Drivers' license information
10-28 Vehicle registration information
10-29 Check for stolen/wanted
10-30 Doesn't conform to regulation
10-33 Officer down / Emergency
10-34 Trouble at the station
10-35 Confidential information
10-38 Ambulance needed
10-39 Message delivered
10-40 Backup
10-41 On duty
10-42 Off-duty
10-43 Department vehicle in accident
10-44 Check for record/wanted
10-45 Coffee break
10-46 Mental patient
10-47 Armed and dangerous
10-48 NCIC hit: Subject is wanted
10-49 Rape
10-50 Homicide
10-51 Assault
10-52 Battery
10-53 Theft
10-60 Traffic stop, location ___
10-61 Clear of traffic stop
10-65 Awaiting next assignment
10-67 All units comply
10-69 Stopping vehicle; may be danger
10-70 Officer is clear from 10-69
10-73 Negative contact
10-74 Private vehicle
10-75 Officer in trouble at ___, send backup
10-76 Trouble at station
10-77 Bomb Threat
10-78 DOA / corpse
10-79 Keep under surveillance
10-80 Pick up partner
10-82 Advise phone number for call
10-83 Officer welfare check
10-84 Check my frequency on channel
10-85 Give me a test count/radio check
10-85 Report to garage for repairs
10-86 Last assignment completed
10-87 Wanted person
10-88 Police needed at ___

January 3, 2012 at 3:04 am
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