
Home Forums Introductions Dee!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Dee janis-macmoragh 11 years, 6 months ago.

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Hi everybody, yinz might have seen tha red headed chick with cornrows an' tattoos. That'd be me, Dee.

Not ta give too much away 'bout me... I'm in my early to mid 20s, a bit rough 'round tha edges... some say I got somethin' wrong wit' my head. Probably from gettin' shaken as a baby or somethin'. They say I have violent out bursts, I jus' see it as people shouldn't piss me off. I may talk a little funny to all yinz, that's cuz I'm originally from south a Pittsburgh. I left home at an early age, I had reasons, an' drifted around, hangin' out wit' punks and bikers. Learin' all they could teach me. I can ink with tha best of 'em and cook a mean batch of meth. Life on tha street mean's ya gotta learn ta fight ta survive, wasn't trained in any formal martial art but boxin', brawlin' and knife fightin' I've taken down guys much bigger than me.

Well my aimless wanderin' has brought me to Dead End, given how I lived my life it is quite homey. As luck would have it, as soon as I arrived I got a job at Irezumi Tattoo. Iffin' ya wanna talk to me stop in, I'd be more than happy ta, ink ya or pierce ya.

((Hi everybody I hope trying to type the accent didn't hurt too many heads. I look forward to the RP experience in DE. See all of you in world!))

September 7, 2013 at 9:20 pm
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