dear diary

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Profile photo of pook



i am keeping this diary as an official record of the search for my sister Celeste.

i landed at JFK airport and met up with some old uni freinds and we had a little party to start my quest, i got a bit carried away with the sambucca and ended up 'litterally' running for the bus, i even had my party frock on.
i slept most of my hangover away on the bus into town, i was a little fuzzy headed when i arrived and forgot my bag on the bus, as homer would say 'doh'.
i phoned the bus company who said they would drop my bag off when they came back. which was nice.
i had a look around the city, it was very dirty and smelly, i noticed some hookers which suprised me given the early hour, i stayed clear of them. i was looking for a hotel (the map i got seemed to have been written by mr magoo) when i bumped into a nice smartly dressed lady and her little baby. it vas very cute. i help her with her bag as she fed it, i was a little embaressed at first but i was glad to help, the little tyke even reached out for my own boobs, i guess he was very hungry. i blushed at that one, he he.
all of a sudden though i had a dizzy spell, the lady helped me into an alley when i layed down, she went for help and i blacked out, i came too and realised i wasn't in the nicest of places, it smelled of wee, i went and found my shoe that had fallen off. i felt a little woozy but felt really good inside, i went looking for the lady who im afraid i have forgotton the name of but couldn't find her, i do hope i bump into her and thank her for being so kind.

as i was making my way out of the street, a petty thug jumped me, and snatched my purse and ran away. i decided to go the other way incase he was armed. (everyone is in america, or so im told)

i ended up in some woods which was a little scary, like the blur witch project, (that wa s ascary film) luckily for me i found a police lady, who was in her home decorating, i was cheekily looking through windows.
i reported the crime to her, but she didn't seem that bothered, i didn't tell her about my sister.
anyway she took me in offered me a place by the fire and told me the dangers of the city. she was very nice, but judging by the artowrk on the walls, i think she was a lesbian (most police woman are i think) anyway i took a nap in her house and awoke some time later, she must have poped out as she wasn't there anymore. (i checked and my knickers weren't on inside out, thank god!!)

i went back into town and a nice man told me where to find a cheap motel (i had some emergency money tucked into my bra)

outside the motel i met a dock worker, he offered to shop me a room and offered me a drink. i accepted, but i think he had more on his mind than just a drink. he started getting fresh, maybe it was because i was still in my party frock. i certainly told him where to go, and threated to calll the police on him. i bet he wont try anything like that again.

i have decide to find myself a new place to stay, a place a little more classy

my clothes will arrive soon and i can think about getting a part time job, something fun and interesting i think.

April 6, 2010 at 12:11 pm
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April 7, 2010 at 9:22 am
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April 8, 2010 at 3:15 pm
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April 13, 2010 at 2:15 pm
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