Dead Rabbits Timeline.. out of order and messy.

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1. founded in 1856 as a way for Irish immigrants to fight back against the powers that be.
2. a bunch of stuff happens several very popular street fights were fought but The Rabbits eventually go into hiding.
3. They tend to stay in hiding during this time working from Gypsy camps and other low end places, unlike the mafia never taking the fight too hard.. Instead they run small scams, drug and during prohibition booze running, taking over small towns as needed.. these towns garbage dumps and other less than desirable places serve as head quarters.. Such as Rabbit's Junk yard in Dead End
4. Stuff happens that really doesn't shape much of anything until Doc is born.. Then Phury, then Shade, these three boys are considered to be up and coming leaders of the Dead Rabbits. Shade and Doc are both trained to be boxers starting at age 6
5. Shade takes the leadership role to heart running faster and harder schemes and scams by the age of 14. Doc during this time is going to college and getting his degree.. Phury has started to work for the IRA.
6. Age 16. Shade is arrested for the first time in Ireland for strong arm robbery, and grand theft auto. Doc's father has done everything in his power to keep his boy from turning into a dirty Pikey. Phury is still missing but there are several agencies looking for him in connection to fires and explosions. Hunter Starts to run his own drug running circles but quickly learns to love his own product.. Tayla and Seria start to work together as prostitutes serving men who don't like their money as much as they love pain. During this time Shade is trained to be a fighter too, he proves to be very gifted and has one hell of a tolerance for pain. He is soon running fights of his own.
7. At the age of 17 Shade is sent to the states after a few more run ins with Irish law enforcement. His family in the states take him in and he starts to run the same as he did in Ireland. Phury comes as well, they are met by Doc at the airport.. Doc's dad had already sent him to the states to get away from his mother's influence. The plan backfired and Doc already had a lot of the leg work done for Shade in the states. Shade does try to turn over a new leaf by becoming a paramedic, but the long hours and low pay soon tells him that crime does not pay.
8. The fireworks start, soon Tay is also sent to the states where she hooks up with Doc.. Doc uses Tay for a lot of his plans and experiments. Tay will never be the same, and she will never trust Doc again. Shade goes into a drunken string of car thefts and scams. He uses strong armed tactics to take over major portions of the area that they are moving in. Hunter goes to school to be a journalist and starts on several drug fueled rampages around the US as well. Hunter was of course born in Kentucky.
9. Shade is arrested for grand theft auto after a drunken night and a stolen bus. He is sent to Bad Boys Correctional facility, where he is introduced to Dr Terry. Dr Terry and him start to talk about things and sexual identity, Shade soon realizes that a lot of his agression is because he is trying to cover up for his feelings of being a girl.. this has real background and is not junk science for a sexual abuse Rp..
10. Doc starts his clinic after finally finishing medical school. There were multiple reports of missing men and women during this time, so Doc heads back to Ireland and tries it again.
11. Phury sent to Bad boys for charges of arson and terrorism
12. Seria sent to live in some backwookds cabin in Ireland, her exploits getting the better of her and she must be hidden.. The cops start to ask questions when people show up missing ears.
13. It doesnt take too long for Shade to start hormone replacement therapy.. Dr Terry takes a special liking to her and she starts to find a submissive streak. Meanwhile The Dead Rabbits put Doc in charge after seeing and hearing what Shade was doing to herself. Including insisting she be identified as female. During the next couple of years she is the tranny terror of Bad Boys, even the guards fear her. During this time Shade's arm is smashed between the bars of the cell she was in. She used the cast as a weapon several times until she was brought in for shaking down a prison doctor for the keys to the medical locker. The guard broke her arm several more times and the arm was fitted with steel rods. The work is shoddy and she spends the rest of her life wearing a brace to support the bad work.
14. The Rabbits start to get more organized for the first time in over a hundred years, under Doc do they get their voice. Doc's father is reported missing, and eventually there is a large sum of money given to Doc. Some think Doc did it... they would most likely be right.
15. After seeing that Shade was taking over his prison The Warden offers her a job in the prison, Shade excels at it and after a riot went terrible causing the Dep Warden to need to be released Shade take the job as the head screw in the yard. She loses contact with her family at this time and starts to try to run her life legally.
16. Phury is also in bad boys during this time and Shade does what she can to keep him safe. As Shade's body changes Phury and her become closer romantically closer. Dr Terry is soon pushed out of the picture. During this time Shade loses her eye, and is stabbed several times during the riots.
17. Doc's new found money starts to get The Dead Rabbits more ways to do things. businesses are bought as fronts to scams and boxing matches. The group is by no means rich, but things start to go better. The camps start to unify a bit, and the Gypsies, once scattered start to work together... At least several of the clans.
18. Phury is sent to Oak Grove Asylum and treated for his mental issues and love of fire. Shade moves with him after Bad Boys is closed for suspicion of corruption.
19. Oak Grove is closed as well, both Phury and Shade get heavy settlements for various reasons and turning state's evidence on both facilities. This gives Shade the money to go to school and get the full SRS that she needed to be complete. Doc meanwhile has taken over both Irish and US operations of The Dead Rabbits, mostly because he can afford to fly back and forth. Hunter suggests that Shade goes to school for Journalism and she does, she also starts to turn tricks as a hooker on the side while Phury vanishes from the face of the planet working on something. Shade has a few bad pimps who she makes vanish.
20. Shade lands a job in Dead End as a reporter and takes to it like gang busters. She runs into several great people including Flak who keeps telling her if she wants to get involved become a cop. This of course grates on Shade's gypsy mind like no ones business. Soon Phury and Doc show up in town.. and she makes fast friends with Pet the Editor of the Daily. Pet gives Shade a lot of room to do what she wants after Shade almost stabs someone to defend Pet in a near riot outside of Lulu's.
21. Shade joins the DEMH as a paramedic.. Phury and her are hot and heavy, but on the side she starts to see Alex Avedon. Ave turns out to be a serial rapist with MPD, Shade's first steps back into the old life starts to come up. She also meets Kay and Bean and Pagan. She looks at Pagan and Bean like the little brother and sister she never knew.. Tay makes her way to DE too, but is often gone on long trips back to Ireland..
22. Doc arrives at DE. Shade is less than amused to hear of his return.. She fights a lot of the progress he makes finding it to not fit her ideas of karma. She joins the DEPD while at the same time trying to start a new fight club in town.. She is called into the editor's office of the Dead End Daily and is told that she has to stop the fights because the paper is getting reports. Shade pulls back on the fights and starts to get legit paperwork filled out for the fights.
23. Rabbit's Junkyard is formed, and is ran as a front for the Dead Rabbits in Dead End. The garage is used for training fighters. Running drugs in and out of the city using crushed and damaged cars and scrap metal for a front. the cars are also used for a no stress disposable way to move whatever needs to be moved in the city. During this time Shade gets stabbed more times than any one person should be stabbed in less than a year.
24. Bean Starts selling rubber dicks from Bob's House of Big Rubber Dicks.. This was because Doc fucked up and stole the wrong tractor trailer truck and got a truck load of various big rubber dicks... Other hijacks also happen but I haven't thought of offensive stuff for Bean and people to sell door to door.
25. Kay gets attacked by Bill.. Shade swears revenge.. Calls in Doc and everyone but the war isnt really started yet.. Doc and Shade not getting along is the cause of this..
26. Bean gets whacked in the knee by Kevin. This causes Shade to kidnap Kevin after a confrontation with Bill. There is a fight in the PD and Bill makes his way out.. Shade in turn takes Kevin to the Garage and beats information out of him.
27. Shade gets attacked by several of what she calls Nines.. each time killing them before the information she wants can be delivered.
28. during this stretch Shade also gets word of Vance being raped and kidnapped by a german woman..
29. Kay is kidnapped and Shade and Alex bust into the hotel to find Walter on scene. Walter is a lovable mentally handicapped male who is huge.. Shade manages to subdue him only by launching herself off the top rail of the hotel like a WWE superstar.. Shade's typist still considers this one of Shade's finer moments.
30. Shade interviews Walter and finds it very infomative.. she finds out more about Gretchen, and the starts of Mind9Light In Dead End.. Walter is sent to the asylum to wait out his time..
31 Shade is introduced to FBI Agent Frank.. They develop a whirlind of information between the two of them, including the only "nine" that Shade was able to take alive. To get information from her Shade has to get the help of Officer Nick C. Who beats her like a rented monkey.. this turns Frank on..
32. Flak is informed of everything that is going on.. Shade being Shade up to this point has refused to give over anything to anyone in fear of them getting hurt.
33. Not sure where in the time line this takes place, but Pagan and Bill start dating, after a long drawn out discussion of OMG WTF on Shade's part she agrees to see Bill. she gets information from him and agrees to keep the charges against him off the table.. they meet at the Sassy Cat's Diner.. the new business that her and Flak are running.. Bill gets shot by a poison dart and almost dies, but Shade saves his ass too.. A moment she wonders about for a long time after that.
34. Rock Bromide tries to kidnap Kay, and Shade tazes him and he goes down after almost throwing kay off the old bridge.. Shade then kicks him in the face killing him instantly.. Opps.. Later, Wyatt Coy will get info of this, but shade pulls some strings to make any evidence he has vanish.
35.. Since this time line is already fucked up big time.. Sometime in there Doc Bean and Pagan work on a few pranks including the Doc's Pewfume scam that is a spray aphrodisiac that smells like cookies it is used on various people in DE for much funny.
36. Flak and Shade and Baber, also went in disguise to free Alex after reports of patient abuse in the asylum are given.
37,, The typist realizes that this is all out of order but is too lazy to do anything about it... Shade spent some time trying to build Karma as a Shelter Angel but several factors later stopped that from being a viable thing, but it helped her gain some major street cred, which she will always be grateful for.
38. Shade gets stabbed more times.
39. for some reason Shade will NEVER understand Doc gives the order that Bill Van Horn is to be protected.
40. Shade raids the Mind9Light house, finds that there is all sorts of nasty things going on in there.. all of which are taken out of court because someone got bought off.. Shade starts to flip tits.
41. between 38 and 39 Shade is hit by a nutzoid with a chainsaw.. she is given treatment by DR Jack Daker. She falls for Dr Jack because he saved her life and was very sweet to her, He also replaces her missing eye, and takes a cast of her pussy... not sure why the second part but it was pretty damn hot.
42. Shade gets thrown out a window by Fae. Shade was drunk for this, so Fae is forgiven.. She later promises to do something about Myth Petrovik.
43. A riot almost breaks out because of JUDY! and Mind9Light Shade is less than amused, until she finds out that Dr Jack might be Mind9Light.. This is also already a susspicion since they planted bugs during the raids on Mind9Light.. So, Shade knows more than she is letting on..
44. Shade tries to question Jack about Mind9Light and they both figure out that the other one knows what is up. Shade's mental balance starts to slip, she tries to maintain but she is rapidly turning back into that damn Pikey who was always up to no good..
45. Bill and Harumi get engaged.. Doc pulls Bill Protection.. There is much rejoicing.
46. Shade saves Fae from Myth.. Myth most likely vows revenge.. Shade informs him that the line to kick her ass starts on the left and will be served in the order they are received.. the line is now up to 3244. he has to wait his turn.
47. Fae and SandMan.. A DAY AFTER SHADE SAVES FAE'S ASS!! Kidnap beat and torture Shade.. Shade is saved by Phury but the damage as been done.. As much as Shade tries to be reasonable the impluses and urges for revenge get deeper and meaner.. She frees Walter from the Asylum..
48. Seriously hurt Shade spends a lot of her time in the Gypsy Camps.. ((off sim healing ground to go in hand with the on sim establishments that we have)) Bean who now works both with the Dead Rabbits, and the Ling Chi starts to take the fight to Bill. The pranks never seem to stop between the two but so far no one is actually hurt..
49. Shade uses Walter to kidnap and bury Fae alive.. the only reason Fae gets called in is because of Shade's belief that Death should be a release not a punishement, and there is more to come.
50. Bean Adds Snowballer of Nerds to her list of titles after using a double money shot from a porn shoot to spit into Bills Mouth.. Bill vows revenge.. Bean tells him.. neener neener suck my weiner..

May 27, 2012 at 7:25 am
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May 27, 2012 at 7:26 am
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May 27, 2012 at 4:44 pm
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May 27, 2012 at 5:37 pm
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May 27, 2012 at 5:45 pm
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