Dead End Hospital – Recruitment

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With the New year now offically underway, the hospital has been tasked and funded to improvment staffing and recruitment numbers for te forthcoming year.
So it my pleasure to annouce the following vacancies at the Dead End Memorial Hospital:

Receptionist/Front Desk Operative - Responsable for the meeting and greeting of patients and visitors, receptionists are the back bone of hospital operations. Reporting to the Assistant Chief of Medicine, those hired will be there to assist patients to departments, paging doctors and filing patient reports in the correct locations as and when required. Applicants must have excellent telephone manor and be able to work in a busy and often stressful environment.

Security Officer (Security Supervisor) - Providing the hospital staff and patients with a safe and secure presence, the security officer will be responsible for patient and staff safety while they remain on hospital premises. Liasing with the local police deparment, security will maintain a deterant for crime and threat to the hospital and monitor CCTV cameras to ensure patients are given maximum assurance of there safety. Uniform and equipment provided and will report directly to the Chief of Medicine.
Also a security supervisor is being sought to manage and maintain a security presence of the hospital.
( NB - Security Officers will have no powers outside of hospital premises and not carry any weapons of a lethal or dangerous nature, discussions are going ahead of protocols regarding security and equipment, most likely no lethal items such as taser or paper-spray to be permitted.)

Janitor/Maintenance - Possible part time role, janitors will assist the hospital is kept to a clean and enviromentally code of practice. Tasks to include equipment maintenance, hygiene and health/safety tasks carried out, to report directly to the Assistant Chief of Medicine.

These roles are being provided on my own initiative as a trial and error basis, the idea is to bring depth and character to the hospital and enhance roleplay by adding addtional functions and ideas to improve roleplaying experience at the hospital and further enjoyment to the community.

These roles are available to anyone in the De community, if you are interested, please contact myself Cordite Mortensen for further information and advice.
( since group roles are limited in numbers, im afraid we cant officially add these roles to the hospital group so im seeking the use of roleplay titlers to indicate role/service to the hospital.)

January 6, 2011 at 2:19 am
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