Dasha Timeline/History

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Name: Dasha Sayevich

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Eyes: Green

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 167 lbs

Hair: Blonde

Markings: Star tattoos on her chest, pelvis and upper and lower arms.


On June 20th, Dasha was born in Vladivostok, Russia to her blood parents, Yosev and Marina Yaakov. Her blood parents, three months later, illegally entered the United States to try and give their daughter a better life. In December of the same year, Dasha and her blood parents were captured by the INS and placed in a immigrant detention facility.


March 17th, a fire breaks out in the detention facility. Dasha's parents were killed and she was sent to an adoption agency. In June the same year, Dasha was adopted by Leonid and Ivanna Sayevich. Leonid then, was a patrol officer in a small suburban area called Frogtown. Ivanna then, was a nurse at the Frogtown free clinic.


September, Dasha enters kindergarten and often plays the role of a police officer during recess. It is rather apparent her father is a big influence on her upbringing. She has great success socializing with her peers and is also a pretty good finger painter! She wins the Frogtown Tadpole award in June the same year upon her Kindergarten graduation. The Tadpole award is given to students who improved the most over the course of the year.


Dasha begins martial arts studies in Hsing Yi Chuan, a Northern Shaolin fighting style taught by Leonid's good friend, Sifu Kwok. Leonid believes training Dasha in martial arts will help her later in life when dealing with men who put her in sticky situations and just plain self defense in general.


At the age of 12, Leonid begins taking Dasha to his Police shooting range. There she learns the delicate intricacies of firing a .44 magnum, as well as other standard issue police weaponry.

1999 -2001

Dasha continues to grow and play and following her dream to walk in her father's footsteps. Leonid gets a promotion to Detective of Frogtown PD. Her high school grades suffer due to lack of focus on books and more so on firing guns and mastering her martial arts skills. Dasha eventually improves in her studies and graduates high school with a 2.8 GPA.


October 22, at age 18, Dasha enters the State Police Academy.


May 21st, at age 19 Dasha graduates the State Police Academy with High Honors and is also awarded the State Cross Medal for Law Enforcement Excellence. October the same year, at age 20, Leonid lands Dasha a job as a patrol officer at Frogtown PD (FTPD) where her worst nightmare is getting a cat out of someone's tree.


Dasha puts in for a detective position but due to the company budget, there is no room for another detective. Superior officers and local officials tell Dasha she is inexperienced and lacks investigative skills rather than divulging the truth about the budget.


A serial killer terrorizes Frogtown and four other suburban towns. Dasha assists her father in the homicide case and winds up pinning the location of the killer's next attack. Leonid and his team of back up arrest the felon. Leonid gets promoted to Captain of homicide and immediately writes up the paperwork to get Dasha on board as a detective. The Chief and Mayor turn down Leonid's request, but unceremoniously promote Dasha to Sergeant for her impact on the homicide case.


Dasha continues to work as a Sergeant in FTPD. The local crime rates begin to rise slowly due to a bleed off from Dead End City. She found herself in several conflicts, one which included her getting shot in her back. The wound left her with neurological trauma that deadened most of her nerve endings. She was awarded the State Purple Heart for Officers upon her recovery and return to police work.


Still not having been promoted to detective, her father then newly promoted to Chief of FTPD suggested she try transferring to Dead City as a new rookie and try to join the newly formed vice squad, banking that her background will help her rise quickly and get the opportunities she so dreams about exploring.

May 29, 2012 at 11:54 pm
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