Damien Christos

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Damien Christos came to at the age of 15 in a Catholic Monastery with no identification, no recollection of how he arrived there and no memory of his former life. Father Gregori Konstantinos named him Christos after a young boy who had succumbed to leukemia at an extremely young age. Upon confirmation, Christos took the name Damien after a priest who had contracted leprosy attempting to aid a colony of lepers. Two years after his confirmation, Father Konstantinos passed away and Damien left the monastery in search of clues of his former life. During his time, drifting from one place to another, Damien has encountered the worst that humanity has had to offer. Six months into his journey, he was attacked by a small gang of bikers and robbed of everything he had except his clothing. Damien continues his search for who he was but continues to struggle with his upbringing. Two sides of Damien's nature conflict. One side strives to help others while a darker, more sociopathic side finds Damien completely disconnected from people and caring for no one and nothing.

With this particular character, I don't really have a story arc that I'm looking to play out. At present, I'm trying to find that invitation to the DEPD that was sent so I can get started. Until I find that, I'm still in the Drifter stage of things.

The beginning to this character's story can be found in the blogs under the name "Droppin' Anchor." He's a typical good guy on the outside but inside, there's something that could turn him into a real villain. About the only thing that keeps him on the side he's on is his partial upbringing. I popped the preteen amnesia into the character primarily because it adds a great deal of mystery to the character, even to me.

I'm really anxious to see how this character plays out and fleshes out. If you're interested in being a part of that, I welcome anyone with any ideas. Any launch point is a good one. I'm willing to join existing stories or a new one can begin.

June 14, 2010 at 8:43 pm
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