[CULT] The Maze Rats

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DATE: 04/22/11

PROPOSAL BY: lucyloo Morrisey

GROUP NAME: The Maze Rats


MEMBERS: Lynx Debruyere, Noel Pennent, faerie lindley, Ming Yheng

BACKSTORY: The scrape of metal on tarmac, a whips of steam as the manhole cover slides fully open. From the dark within the forbidding hole the shadow of a figure rises silently. Shrouded in a trench coat, only the eyes visible from under the hood, piercing out at they're unsespecting victim from behind the lens of the gas mask. With not a sound, other than the muffled, heavy breathing the figure snatches the girl waiting in the alley. The scrape of metal once more, the whisp of steam curls into the air and the alley returns to it's look, as if no one had ever been there. Underneath the streets of Dead End, in the maze of tunnels and sewers there lies a dark and unspoken secret. A socitety, secret and twisted, they stalk the sewers, using it as their personal playground, a trafficking network. Some live their lives down here, only coming out to fetch food and other things to survive and, to grab their next victims. Other's live normal lives, moving down into the sewers when twistsed desires takeover or because it helps in their line of work, in the sewers they take on new persona's heavily disguised. Just recently, after discovering the group exists as more than just an urban Legend, corrupted and slightly twisted DEPD Captin Lucy Morrisey found herself moving into this murky underworld. The group dying out and with no purpose she took them for her own means and motives. Nabbings, transportation and training or innocent and not so innocent victims is surely the only outcome possible now that the secretive society has a new and even more secretive leader. Whether it be for their own pleasure or for business the Maze Rats rule over the underworld turning it into hell on earth for anyone unlucky enough to stand just a little to close to that manhole...

UNIQUE: I think this is the first proposal that isn't strictly business orientated. It's just about yummy sickos! The almost exclusive use of the sewers and tunnels should bring some life into them and unlike the other groups proposed/approved i think it'll genreally create an atmosphere of fear that DE hasn't seen in a long time. Anyone could potentialy be a victim of this group and there need not be any rhyme nor reason behind it. It also gives players the chance to take on alter egos, as mentioned above, some group members will be 'normal' (Normal in DE? Yeah right ;p) citizens who don disguises to live out there kinky urges. As my favourite bad gy ever said... Let's introduce a little chaos into the world...

EXP:As a roleplayer and admin i'm plenty experieneced, having run the DEPD, The Streeters (which used to include a previous version of the Maze Rats) and been a DE member of staff in the past. I've also run my own sim for a while and i'm well versed in what is required to set up, run and maintain a group in not just a drama free way but also in, i hope, a fun way. Though i'm heavily involved in the DEPD and will remain so i do not run the group and have the time to set up and organise this new one i propose. The group is only small and will be very much focused on the random RP, with planned out/large storylines interspersed within that.

IDEAS:I think this is one group that will generally keep itself seperate from the others. Though other groups are more than welcome to hire the Maze Rats for services as and when required. I hope we can do a good line on kidnap, training and transportation of victims as well as the random grab and play stuff. At the moment i hope we could used the sewers just as they are, taking advantage of the current play areas within them and at some, near future point (when my RL situation money wise improves) perhaps fund some new ones in the form or rent for use? The one big idea i have for the group is, i believe that it's the perfect place in which some of the uber one off characters DE has seen can be spawned, the Sick Lee, Stradavarius and Eva types.... comic book style super villains that i'm sure a lot who go back far enough will remember, call it the third dimension of RP in DE if you will but that occasional, slightly crazy and all consuming RP has been missing for some while from DE and i hope to help bring it back but this time with a direct link to a group both Ic'ly and OOC'ly to help the RP along and keep things more organised than those past RPs tended to have gone.

OTHER:I think that's pretty much it... oh maybe if this does go through, someone out there would have the abillity and kindness of heart to help me out with some ideas for clothing for the group? ๐Ÿ˜€ (We can only ask and hope :P)

April 22, 2011 at 7:31 am
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April 22, 2011 at 12:18 pm
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April 22, 2011 at 5:58 pm
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April 22, 2011 at 6:27 pm
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April 22, 2011 at 8:12 pm
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April 25, 2011 at 11:19 pm
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May 14, 2011 at 11:38 pm
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June 12, 2011 at 6:03 am
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June 12, 2011 at 10:05 am
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June 19, 2011 at 1:49 am
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June 19, 2011 at 2:04 am
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August 7, 2011 at 10:48 pm
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