[CULT] Adherents of Belial

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [CULT] Adherents of Belial

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Here is a new proposal for a cult, keep in mind these forums are to suggest and enhance the proposal, not decide their approval. Some things to factor in along with the proposal are other groups the leaders are heading and how many are a part of their group. Have at it!

DATE: 07/23/11

PROPOSAL BY: bedlamb dionysus

GROUP NAME: Adherents of Belial

FORUM ID:bedlamb dionysus

MEMBERS: Bedlamb Dionysus, Druxsilla Moonwall, Miho Oakleaf, Ambrose Draegonne

BACKSTORY: I have been working on aspects of the Cult for over a year now. Until now I never felt like I had the belief structure, nor active members enough to seek approval... I kept it to personal RPs, and such, as I tried to flesh it out some exploratoraly. I was ready to submit, or just about when this new system was announced, it gave me some more time to think things over and feel out the RP of it, as i worked on cementing RP with more open groups. Dion has always believed that women are a lesser form of person, and took joy in tormenting them. While he was on a trip in south America tracking down someone that screwed him in a business deal, he tried an ikaska like brew. the vision he had impacted him. At first he thought it was just a really powerful trip, but then he realized he could use what he saw as a fantastic way to torment his prey. At first thats all it was to him, just a new game he could play on his victims to fill them with fear. One of the things he used to instill this fear was a cocktail of narcotics and hallucinogenic, some of which where contact effective. maybe cause of his already unstable mind, or the repeated accidental exposure to the hallucinogenics, he has started to believe what he tells his victims, and followers. The Dogma he created is a mishmash of various things he has picked up over the years, well I think the NC I wrote up explains it best... Disclaimer: This is a roleplay cult only Activities include: In Character Kidnap, rape, bondage torture, brainwashing, branding, collaring, forced and consensual enslavement. Mission Statement: Through pain and pleasure the shroud of the world's lies will be removed. Suffer and rejoice your deliverance is at hand. A Prophet, a Messiah, a Saviour has emerged with a truth and a power that will set you free from the lie. Bedlamb the Son of Belial has been granted powers by his father to shepherd the Meat Puppets of this sad world from the Lie perpetuated by the Darkness into the Light of Truth. But beware The Rats, agents of the Darkness are a foot, and will do anything to stop his good work. About Us: Let it be known that Good and Evil are a lie, but the God Belial is here to to save you. Through his son and prophet you may see the light and learn the truth. Adherents of Belial is an RP Group (not a real cult) based in DeadEnd/DeadDrop. We are looking for members both tops and bottoms. There is no good... There is no evil... Only Pleasure and Pain... There is not right... There is no wrong... Only Mastery and servitude Meat is worthless...Meat is Made to serve... Only in service does Meat have worth... Meat is made to serve, fuck, and for the honored few bear the fruit of it's Masters loins. All that Meat has to give comes form its Cunt... Torture & Suffering are means to the awakening... pain will set those trapped free. Women or should I say Meat where made by the Gods in the Dawn of time to serve and obey Men. The world has forgotten this ... it must be shown the light. There are rare women that have the will and essence to stand apart from the slaves, the Daughters of LIlith. As there are the rare Men who do not have the will or essence to be free, the Sons Able. Adherents believe that their God is real and have given his Son (Bedlamb/Dion) Magical Powers. In the RP Magic is only as real as it is in RL. Some Meat has been too corrupted by the Lie, propagated by Jehovah and his followers, and must be recycled After educating hie victims properly, and if they have no use for them in their households, or want to keep them ,they will likely sell the to another or even contact a local auction and sell them there. until such an operation gets going, one of his current followers, comes from money and has been using her portion of her fortion to finance what he can not afford from his various business contacts. The ranking structure for the cult is as follows: Son of Belial: Lord Bedlamb the one true prophet and Messiah. He the flesh born Son of the God Demon Belial. Archon of Belial: They are both religious rulers and leaders of men, second only to the Son of Belial. Prelate of Belial : Those who spread the word and teachings of Belial to the masses. through words or through the holy rites of torture. They're task in the eyes of the Belial are to convert the unenlightened to the truth and guide them into the light. Son of Cain (Baron): the basic role for male members. they rule their house hold and any property they have. a crime against their property, Meat or holdings, is a crime against them. Bride of Belial : Holy Mothers who have born or bare a child consecrated in the name of Belial. While they are with Child they are given a privileged status. Still Meat they are above the other Meat and their torments should be kept from the extreme while they are with child. Daughter of Lilith (Lilitu) : Daughters of Lilith these rare creature are women of power. though they are still below men they are allowed to walk and speak their mind as long as they remember their place beneath men. They are not their Demonic mother but are allowed some rights. Demon Host (Doll): Thous that have had the Spirt of a Demon in service to the God Belial subsumed and hosted in them. Or should I say brain washed and Drugged to believe this. Son of Able (Meat): Men that have been polluted with the weakness of Able and are best fit too serve as Meat serves and should be treated as Meat in all ways. Daughter of Eve( Meat): Female Servants to the glory of Belial and his Son. They must obey the words and commands of all above them. and all are above Meat. I have also started working on a selection of 'holy' texts for the Cult... the first of which I posted as a blog entry on the forums, I would include it again here but this is already getting quite long and will reproduce it on the forum if asked during peer review.

UNIQUE: I think a Cult that kidnaps and brainwashes women into thinking that they are nothing but property for the use and abuse of men fits in wonderfully with the nature of the sim. I would like to work with other business and faction in town that have similar objectives. increasing the under world network, so it not just one or two players in the game. I have also considered in time opening a church in town, to be the public face of the cult. Where I cold preach to the deneznse of the city about the evils of the lie.

EXP:Been gameing for ooo nrarly 20 years now.... pen and paper, varous onl line games.... and even live action... in that time I've tried it all... repeadedly... so have been the ic group leader... ran more then my share... dead beat lazy friends.... so if that counts for anything...

IDEAS:helping other factions that are so inclined bring back the auctions to the town, while providing a twisted and corrupt faith for thous that are inclined to it may follow.


July 23, 2011 at 10:47 pm
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July 25, 2011 at 11:43 am
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July 26, 2011 at 3:41 pm
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July 26, 2011 at 4:34 pm
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July 26, 2011 at 4:41 pm
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July 28, 2011 at 12:48 am
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July 30, 2011 at 9:17 pm
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August 2, 2011 at 1:01 pm
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August 7, 2011 at 11:33 pm
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