Crank Call for Help

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:
Sunday, January 15th 2012 at about 11:00pm

Incident Location:
Dead End Memorial Hospital

Officers Attending:
Officer Bishop Baber, Officer Shade Manx, and Sergeant Beth Snow

Alleged Offense Committed:
Calling the emergency response line under false pretenses.

Further Action:
Officer Baber leveled a strong verbal warning not to use the line for non-emergency calls again at the risk of a stiff fine and possible incarceration.

Officer Baber, Officer Manx, and Sergeant Snow for having their time wasted

Ricki Rickman

Howie Bernatt, Adilliana, and Dr. Marioman

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:

Evidence Recovered:
Suspect admitted to making a false call. Officer Manx questioned and recorded the testimony of witness Howie Bernatt.

Summary of Events:
A report came in over the emergency services line about a woman at the hospital waving around a knife and stabbing people. Officer's Baber and Manx, as well as Sergeant Snow, responded to the call.

Upon arrival at the hospital, it was determined that the call was a lie made by Miss Rickman who (when asked about the call) claimed to be an undercover officer and was "testing the response time of the DEPD". When it was verified that she is now with the DEPD, she admitted to being a "freelance" undercover officer.

Officer Manx recorded a conversation with Mr. Bernatt and Officer Baber leveled a verbal warning to Miss Rickman.

What follows is the conversation between Officer Manx and Mr. Bernatt:

Mr. Bernatt: "She was behind the desk and we were asking her to leave, then she told us the story about a women running around stabbing people, then said she was kidding then said that she was an undercover cop, then resumed to put her feet up."
Officer Manx: "...and did that happen before or after she called 911?"
Mr. Bernatt: "Before, I think."
Officer Manx: "How did she manage to call 911 when you were standing right there? "
Mr. Bernatt: "I don't know."
Officer Manx: "You were standing right there... how could you not know? Its not like you stopped for coffee."
Mr. Bernatt: "She used an office phone that's for staff only"
Officer Manx: "But you were standing right there.. Never mind.. Did you actually see her or anyone stabbing someone for shoes?"
Mr. Bernatt: "No, there wasn't. I even said earlier she made it up."
Officer Manx: "Alright, for the record, I need you name and age and we're all done."
Mr. Bernatt: "Names Howie.. Don't need my age.. Asylum guard.."

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Officer Bishop Baber DEPD

January 16, 2012 at 8:48 am
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