Cordite Mortensen

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A gruff, mean-spirited bully, Cordite not only makes no effort to conceal his contempt for everyone around him, he seems to revel in it, he sees people pain as his pleasure and entertainment. Cordite thinks of nothing but himself, he is selfish and greedy which is often his downfall.. particularly gambling which along with drinking is his biggest vice.
little is known about his personal life , he just appeared in the city with no known reason or cause. He feels at home among strangers, sees himself as a gift to women and often pays the price for his forward ways. Most of the time he is a keen observer of his surroundings, a womanizer and drunk the rest of the time , he can normally be found drinking or gambling away what little money he has.
Be cautious when approaching Cordite , his mood changes like the wind .

Cordite had spent 15 years on the job of Detective with the Chicago PD, with his own methods of dealing with Criminals and often sailing close to the wind. An old sweat who remained Detective because of his single-mindedness - his time keeping was his own business. Lieutenants and Captains often hesitated to reprimand him, recognizing a like-mind. Mortensen refuses to seek approval for his choice of friends and isn't afraid to risk the disapproval of his colleagues and superiors. He is a maverick that does things his own way and gets results for it. It wasn’t all hard-boiled detective work for him though – he loved a gamble and had an eye for the women too. A charmer with a past, Mortensen was a good police detective who liked to operate solo allowing him to bend the rules and line his own pockets.

Cordite built his reputation on good detective work "consulting detective",when it suits him and his bank account ... Mortensen is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to take almost any disguise, and his forensic science skills to solve difficult cases, nailing several high profile criminals and sending few to the chair, Cordite is plagued with his personal life, the cure of which is drink and women.

Despite his dark and often clouded personal affairs, Cordite is prime police material, the ability to 'sniff' out criminals and punish them his way was something bred into him from the start, seeing paperwork and 'regulations' as purely litter and trash that clutters the yard, Cordite is not the detective you wish to cross and loyal to his badge and title he will stop and nothing and bend as many rules as possible to bust criminals, he will never break rules no matter how close he gets to the final snap.

September 26, 2010 at 2:56 pm
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