Cop Inactivity

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Georgia Beorn georgia-beorn 11 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



Hey all.. i moved this comment from Akima to here.. Some of its relevance is here rather than it's original thread of the 'crime problem' in the RP discussions forum

Akima1996 Resident
I was just thinking about this the last three days as Akira sat in jail with no cops online, or in the PD.

First, There are too many people allowed to stay cops, and like to RP that they are still cops, that never actually WORK as a cop. They maybe walk into the station for 30 seconds, talk to someone sitting around the desk, and go off for personal RP. Or worse, they are always “off duty” unless they hear something come in that specifically interests them, like a big serial killer being caught.


A lot of cops who don’t play cops but are in the group – are alts.. if you look carefully at the roster.. you can see which ones I know about… These are the well meaning and great players, who use alts to ‘help out’ when they can or want to (or are sim admins). We can use you as an example if you like.. as you focus on your other characters, and developing RP, you haven’t played your cop alt in a while.. should I remove you from the roster??

For your general information – and again you should see this from the notes I make in the roster.. I constantly work on the group and the roster.. I am always performing house keeping on it, keeping an eye on case numbers for promotions and rookies coming on board, and removing older players who have been offline for a while.. there are some people with genuine reasons for being absent.. one was involved in an accident RL.. and has only just come back.. another had rl and computer hardware issues, lack of internet etc / yada. Just recently – a number of people I had removed from the roster after extended absences, have come back.. the only way I can get them back on the roster is to either ask nadir.. who is usually busy, or get them to reapply. At a minimum.. I allow 3 months of absence before considering removal from the roster / groups (though I'm sure some will and do slip through the cracks)

Hope this answers your comments..

January 6, 2014 at 2:42 pm
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