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Profile photo of albert-ross



Apocalypse Wow (Apocalypse Vau)

In a world full of corruption, there was one judge who couldn't be bought

Filmed in 3D pervo-vision, with subtitles by Gurgle-Speak

Starring: the Carradines, the Cusacks, Sofistme Loren, Idadogonce Lupino, Tom Crudes
Special guest appearances as David and Goliath by Danny De Vito and Armhold Schwarzenoafer

What the reviewers will be saying :-

"I laughed until I slept" (Unknown)
"Chariot racing that made Ben-Hur look like as if it had been filmed with My-Little-Pony" (Tireseus the Voyeur)
"An eclectic mix of religeon, historico-myth, and geo-politics with the added attraction of a romance transcending customs, creed and culture. If I remember one line from the film, it would be 'Of all the Bar-Mitzvah's in all the world, you had to walk into mine', and if I had to remember another, it might be, 'Duck, you Succubuses'" (Hai-Lee Payed)
"Argh, no, wait, I can revise the words a little-lub-lub-lub-lub-glook" (Last-gasp reviews)

A Plague of Low-costs Production.

Directed by Sam "slow-moving-fist-to-the-breadbasket" PeckerSouthpaw

Produced by Quentin "f-f-fuck this w-w-wanking shit-ass-backwards c-cunts" Tourette-syndrome-Tino

Screenplay by Divine Inspiration =O= Soundtrack by Angelo BadderandBadalamenti

Cameras by Eye Omniscient =O= Special effects by Almighty Modifier

Props by Ina-Meena-Deeta =O= Funded by Bash-the-Bishop Investments

Filmed entirely on location in

The DeadEnd of the World ("We're off our heads like John the Baptist!")

See urban wilderness brawls, warring scattered tribes, Tablets Pills and Powders of Stone, biblical knowledge and senseless violins, doom, gloom and thunderous buggery set against the backdrop of a world gone bad.

Be taken up the alley by an archangel with a flaming (unscripted) sword to receive repeated righteous kicks to the Old Testamenticals
Visit dens of harlots and get caned until you are no longer able to pray for mercy.
Sodom and Gomorrah as you've never had it elsewhere.
Gasp as the herd of seven thin cattle lick Lot's wife into orgastic oblivion
Thrill to the sight of heaving helpless seas ploughed rudely asunder by Noah's well-stocked mighty ark

Something for everyone! Drive a tent-peg through a dirty old man's head in a lesbian-revenge scene, savagely impregnate each and every bodily orifice of eager unwilling furgens, or stand and spill your seed upon the ground as all around you are losing theirs.

Soothe your burning bush, burst your boils or have your fistulas explored in an ill-prepared clinic offering both birth- and breath-control.

Slay or play with Filly-stines, big-titted Hittites and Arseyrians, race chariots, no-meter kick spit punch and gore-play, David's slingo slingo slingo win sheckels sheckels sheckels, fight, slay, sleigh, fuck, suck, fuc-suc (sic), israelite bondage, gay shepherds, goatskin costumes, prophet-baiting, theatrical camping, no-escape-the-wrath-of-god sim.

CeeDee Studios will be shooting (unscripted) several scenes over the Passover, plenty of work for extras (No speaking parts available)

March 3, 2010 at 7:39 pm
Profile photo of mark-treves



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March 5, 2010 at 2:47 pm
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March 5, 2010 at 9:49 pm
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March 8, 2010 at 4:17 am
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March 30, 2010 at 11:42 am
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