Code Of Conduct

Home Forums Municipal Departments DE Memorial Hospital Code Of Conduct

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of synrosa Anonymous 12 years, 12 months ago.

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Profile photo of warwick.simondsen



You have chosen to work in Dead End Memorial Hospital. This position is one that comes with some responsibilities. If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact the current Chief, Warwick Simondsen, who will be happy to get you the answers you want or direct you to someone who knows them. Get familiar with the other staff members, most have been working here awhile and will be wiling to help you get the hang of charting and Rosters. There is a terminal now that helps us find out who is in the hospital and who has been released as well.

Charting is mandatory so we can keep track of the patients when they come in for follow up care and we can track how active you are in the group.

• Please keep in mind that if you are going the route of Psychiatrist this does not mean you are off the hook for ER duty. Please respond if you are free and there is an ambulance coming in or a call in the group chat for a doctor for a walk in.

• We tried to keep the rules simple: It is about making the role-playing fun but realistic to a medical center in a very dark town.

• IC Dress Code: We all wear clothes that identify our position here, provided to us by the sim. Please, the vendor set up in the faculty room to receive these scrubs & Accesories free of charge. Keep in mind, you MUST be on the roster in order to get these.

Dress code is as follows:

* ALL proper DEH tags must be worn too whilst on duty .. off duty you may wear another tag or simply use the DEH Off Duty tag when not working at the hospital.
* ALL staff must wear their ID badges. Just place a close-up picture of your av's face on the badge as instructed. You may add your rank (nurse, Sr. Md etc.) to the picture itself if you know how.
*Nurses must wear only PURPLE or WHITE scrubs on duty.
*Interns must wear GREEN scrubs on duty.
*Physicians, Psychiatrists and up can wear lab coats over BLUE scrubs or normal clothes as long as they are consistent with the status and have their ID badges. (psychiatrists have to get past the intern stage)
* ALL asylum workers must wear white scrubs (or white scrubs pants with polo)
*General non- medical DEMH Staff please wear the white Polos casual slacks or jeans.

• The hospital and asylum have 24/7 NPC security, so if a patient is getting out of line, a fight starts or someone thinks they can rob us, feel free to RP what security would do as well as make sure you call the police via the appropriate groups. Exceptions are when individuals have their own planned rp that does not involved the hospital staff (so if a patient wants someone to come in and do something bad)

• The medications are all locked up in a Pyxis system and so it is very hard for someone to just rummage around and find stuff. A Pyxis is what you see in a RL hospital, thick glass and plastic that has drawers and stuff, where a patient's name and a doctor or nurses code has to be entered and only 1 drawer can be opened at a time. Makes getting robbed VERY hard to do. It's great for inventory and figuring out who took what out of the machine. Reception staff would not have access to this. Do a web search for Pyxis if you want more information.

• It should be clear that all staff must be a member of the Dead Group and have been approved via the character application process for regular citizenship. We also expect that while rping in the hospital, you keep your ooc comments in IM or to a minimum with some discretion in between brackets in chat.

• Promotions are the results of participation and behavior .

• Not matter how heated your IC interactions are we expect you to be mature and respectful of others when in OOC. Anything else can result from group removal .

February 10, 2012 at 3:40 pm
Profile photo of admin



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February 10, 2012 at 7:55 pm
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February 11, 2012 at 11:27 pm
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February 12, 2012 at 12:50 am
Profile photo of synrosa



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February 12, 2012 at 4:17 pm
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