Clusterfuck at the Herring

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:
1/7/12, 21:30

Incident Location:
The Red Herring

Officers Attending:
Sgt. Snow, Officer Courtois, Officer Refenoir

Alleged Offense Committed:
"Jaison" is accused of aggravated assault and assault with a deadly weapon. Possible other charges for other persons on the premisis, Sgt. Snow had to leave the scene to pursue a fleeing suspect.

Further Action:
APB for "Jaison".

Koto Sideshow

"Jaison" (Was recently in jail for rape.)

Alwyn Keng
Bobby Zepp
Koto Sideshow
Two employees of the Red Herring
Several others whose names I did not know.

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:

Evidence Recovered:
Video surveillance, witnesses, offices witnessing the crime.

Summary of Events:
Shit happened. Jaison attacked Koto. Keng and Zepp got into a catfight. Courtois was about to cuff Jaison when he escaped. Officers were unable to catch him in the confusion.

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Sgt. Elizabeth Snow

January 8, 2012 at 6:38 am
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