Christmas Balls…??

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Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



so.. in the interests of radical innovations.. my brain has finally kicked in to gear and come up with a lil plot.. well.. event really.. that needs your thoughts input and feedback..

DEPD often issues citations.. fines from some misdemeanour or other.. real or imagined.. so.. you might wanna know where all your hard earned cash goes to.. Well now…

This Christmas, DEPD intends to hold a Lavish Policeman’s Ball.. Venue likely to be in Dead Fall at Corruption or Marcellos – or a neutral place with both providing booze n stuffs, on the 19th Dec.. provisional timing has us looking at around a 7pmish kick off but that’s open atm based on feedback here..

Its intended to be an event where the booze and entertainment is free for all.. paid for from the very deep pockets of DEPD (although we cant afford decent cars and more officers.. that’s a whole other pot of cash) and ultimately funded by the littering, loitering, soliciting, drug using, illegal parking citizens of DE…
Will be an event so lavish that only the rich and invited get to attend… ((actually will be as big a list as we can muster comprising of business owners and some joe public.. and the odd faction leader.. )) and security detail on the door to keep the riff raff out.. unless that riff raff was specifically invited

So.. riled enough yet?? No?? then think of all the rapes the cops seem to have had a hand in just recently or wound you up with a non-attendance at a crime in which you were a victim.. Cops turning a blind eye to your crime cos they’re buddies with the perp? or are you a perp a lil pissed at getting yourself caught and largely abused or left to rot in the cells...?? isn’t it payback time??

I’m seeking a few ideas.. factions or gangs or random citizens, to come up with a thought, an idea, a revenge attack of some kind.. I don’t need to know all the gory details yet.. just a gist and an agreement that it can and will occur. I’ll contact you directly to discuss some of the detail as appropriate and agree the way forward with our plot weavers.

The caveat; whatever you do, cant take out the entire force in a hugely long term debilitating way..

Happy to have several little things going on involving a broader spectrum of people, creating chaos.. bigger things tend to be more a single faction – which im not adverse to, but I really want more citizens to be involved

This event is open to all.. Whilst there will be a security detail on the ‘door’ of the event, its up to the uninvited to find a way in.. bribery, corruption, sneaking on in etc etc

Hit me up directly if you want, or post here (I’ll contact you for some detail then).. ask questions on what may or may not be too extreme, run your ideas by the staff too..
Lets make it a shin dig to end them all!!

FTR.. my offlines go to my email so I can usually respond relatively quickly if not in world

December 9, 2013 at 10:01 pm
Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



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December 12, 2013 at 12:25 pm
Profile photo of Kahlen Vaniva



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December 12, 2013 at 5:07 pm
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