Chrissy Lacombe

Home Forums Introductions Chrissy Lacombe

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Chrissy Lacombe chrissy-lacombe 11 years, 7 months ago.

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Hey everyone! I'm new to DE and wanted to introduce my character and her backstory.

Chrissy grew up in a mid-upper-class family in Virginia, enjoying all the privileges and trappings of her wealthy, Anglo-Saxon upbringing. She crushed on handsome teachers at her private middle school, snuck flasks of vodka into prom with her scantily-clad, silk-adorned friends, and worked barely-earned and well-connected internships throughout the four-year blur that was her time at UVA.

During her young life, no one around her knew that she'd always been trying to shake the clawing feeling that something terrible, something twisted and horribly traumatic, had happened to her when she was very young. In fact, she'd never had any recollection of her life before the age of seven. This dark cloud cast a heart-flattening shade over even her brightest milestones, constantly forcing her to forge childhood memories when pressed and prompting her to take a razor blade to her forearm to distract from the revolting and unwelcome images that often flashed through her mind.

She was 23 and working as an editor for the Arlington Patch, engaged to an earnest and doting accountant, when it happened. Her comfortable life was no longer enough. Suddenly, one cloudy evening, she felt repulsed by the banality of her well-to-do life and realized she was a complete impostor. She didn't belong there. Everything she could remember of her life told her she belonged there, a dutiful wife with a stable career and a modest but well-kept home. But in that moment, she knew she had to run. Danny didn't deserve it, but like a moth to a flame not yet seen, she ran and ran and ran until the hem of her jeans hung, torn, tripping her with each step.

Now, here she is in Dead End, no plan, no money, few marketable skills (like there's even a "market" in Dead End), and no idea of who she truly is or what awaits her.

August 1, 2013 at 4:35 pm
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