Changes are a coming.

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As everyone knows there's been a bit of leadership changes in the past within DE Memorial Hospital. I am hoping to get us up and running again to bring in a more community feel with all our staff at our lovely hospital and hopefully bring in different elements to bring more roleplay there. I would like to touch up on some things from the older post in this thread.

EMTS: The EMTs will now be a part of the Dead End Fire Department. The purpose of this change is to hopefully create a sepearation of roles so that people within the hospital/pd aren't having to constantly step into these roles. We're hoping the EMT role will become it's own entity and help facilitate a different roleplaying dynamic within the municipal network for the Dead End community. I understand this change has been a difficult one for some staff members, but I urge all EMT's to consider giving the move to DEFD a chance. Please contact Coyoti Kharg if you have questions. Or myself (Callista Reyes)

Leadership: I will be actively trying to find people to help fill leadership roles in the group such as the head nurse or senior staff. I will be looking for active members and those dedicated to fill these positions to help facilitate and bring back RP to the hospital. I will also try to create fun rp scenarios for the staff of DEMH such as Employee Parties, IC Employee Evaluations and other fun little IC events for the staff.

Roster: I have gone through the Roster to the best of my ability and have removed names on the list of those who are no longer members of the DEMH group. If your name was removed in error please rejoin the group and IM me and I will fix you up on the Roster.

Safe-Zone: I know this was touched up before, but i'd like to talk about this a little. I am more on the line of liking the upper portion of the hospital to be a little "safe" in that in order to do those horrible acts (i.e. raping/attacking someone) that an individual has to really determine and plan for this to happen. The hospital would have guards/cameras/orderlies nurses walking around constantly it would be hard for someone to just start raping someone in the recovery ward. So while it's "not-so safe" fully, people should really consider the overall environment and consider realistically the consequences. The asylum. Well the asylum is like Vegas. What happens in vegas, stays in vegas.

On that note. I have sent out protocols for the security aspect of the Asylum out in another thread. Please take a look at it for anyone new who don't quite know what the procedure is to process a patient.

Not sure what else to go over, so let me stop rambling for the moment.

Also! Since the EMTs are moving to the Fire Department I am thinking of seeing if we can replace that position with something within the hospital. I'd love for people to toss about ideas and see what we can toy with and what people are interested in.

July 23, 2012 at 11:18 pm
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