Catha Vernin

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Catha Vernin, your nerd guy. The one who typically sits around with his nose in a comic and usually stand out looking. He always wants to be more then human, to be something else. Though knows he can't and only can do what technology lets him do.He alter his ears to make himself feel different, though paid dearly for them for a few years. Catha rarely has money and usually sells his body to get such, his past isn't much . Though he never clings to it, he rather head to the future. Catha was born in japan, his father consider him shameful. he had more of a feminine feature himself and so his father made him wear a mask to hide his dishonor. When his father died before he was seven, his mother remarried and moved to england. Catha stop wearing his mask, though only to be a victim of his step father sexually abusing him. he then thought of it as punishment for not honoring his father by keeping the mask on. He then and ever more wore his mask never taking it off. This didn't stop his step father and Catha never told anyone about it, not even his mother. Instead Catha started getting into comics and fantasy worlds, wanting to be in them so bad. When Catha turned seventeen he went to college in America, where he lived in Brooklyn New York. He finally moved again after living five years in Brooklyn, he came to a new city known as Dead End. Where he has no clue what is in store for him there.Catha is a nice guy until pissed off, which is hard to do unless you know the right buttons. He doesn't believe in love and thinks of it as a means for life to torture ones emotion and soul. A form of means to truly hurt someone and break them, he rather just be someones sex toy then lover. He is always looking out for some thinking to help me look less human as humanly possible and if it can be done he will do anything to get it done.

October 5, 2012 at 2:45 pm
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