Call for Pawns

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Profile photo of Xelan Yheng

xelan morgath


The Pawns are still a very small faction and we're desperately looking for new members. We are at the moment mostly consisting of members of the Yheng family but not limited to that at all. And not every Yheng is a member of the Pawns either.

The Pawn Shop is still our front and that's an official business. Another official business that is associated with the Pawns is the Yheng Transport company. As an unofficial business we run a Chop Shop in Dead Drop (car theft is one of our activities).

The Pawns are both a criminal organization and a kind of political movement. Their philosophy is a rejection of the rules of society in general, especially the rights of possession. According to the Pawns there is no such thing as possession - everything you use is nothing more than a temporary loan. Which means that in their own eyes they don't commit crimes when they take something they need. They hope that one day society will crumble and will make way for an anarchistic society in which people are no longer abused by the wealthy.

We are running this faction since March this year and have had a lot of roleplay and events. Pawns are thieves foremost but they are also trigger happy when it comes to getting their point across: treat us with respect or else.... Despite the fun we're having we're also always struggling to keep our heads above the water. We lose people as fast as we can find them, mostly because real life can be demanding for people. In order to survive we really need a couple more team players that are around on a regular basis and that love to be part of a fun group of players. We appreciate initiative and give a lot of room to ideas for roleplaying scenarios.

I am writing this because in my opinion it would be a loss for the sim if the Pawns become extinct, which is a dark but very real possibility. I also want to make it known we are not some exclusive club people can't join or something. In fact, I think we're very easy to approach and we never say no to offered roleplay.

If you're interested in becoming a Pawn, contact me in world.

Xelan Yheng (Xelan Morgath)

October 26, 2015 at 1:35 pm
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