[BUSINESS] Synthetic Realities

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Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



Synthetic Realities (Ownership Change)
By anonymoustip resident

TYPE: General Service

SLURL: Next to Easy 8's

BACKGROUND: Synthetic Realities - OWNERSHIP CHANGE REQUEST ORIGINAL PROPOSAL: Let’s be honest. we all have fantasies. some of them might be a little more….diverse than others.You take a look through a newspaper. The front page is muddled with violent crimes staged right out front of your doorstep. “Woman brutally raped and tortured, returns home only to find her best friend brutally raped and kidnapped.” You think to yourself: “What the hell is that even like?” You let your mind slip to the darkest depths. Wander into an abyss full of fantasies you’d normally be too terrified to let loose from your lips. The thought of a stranger randomly kidnapping you sparks a flame deep inside and burns until you’re pulled out of your imaginary hell and to a small ad at the corner of the paper. “Synthetic Realities: an experience unlike any other.” Ran by those having been bound and tied, raped and tortured, who understand the pains already, ready to provide the experience for you, first hand. Synthetic Realities is a place where you may safely dive into the dark depths and experience the worst without worry. Rape, torture, kidnapping is often-times a fantasy hidden away by the most upstanding citizen. At SR, you can have that fantasy be a reality. You’ll never have to admit it to your friends; maintaining your reputation with the utmost respect while simultaneously exploring parts of you that you had no idea even existed, in a completely controlled-by you-environment. The services extend beyond just exploring fantasies, as well. Need a boyfriend/girlfriend for the day? for that christmas ball at work so you don’t look like a loser? We provide that, as well. Don’t confuse this with an escort service-consider it an actual ‘relationship experience.’ We work with you in advance to ensure the utmost performance, making sure you get exactly what you want. As for why Andi is doing this-she wants to encourage people to seek out what they want safely. she gets tired of people wandering to unsavory neighborhoods in the city to get a thrill. so she’s offering a ‘safe place’ to do it. Her hopes are to minimize crime in the city, where fewer people wind up as victims. Naturally, since prostitution is illegal, they will not advertise that portion of it-but it will be offered on the ‘downlow’. Of course…god forbid she doesn’t like you. Then your experience might be a little more immersive than you had originally planned. Revenge for that person who fucked with you last week? sign them up for a ‘gift package’ where they’ll get an experience they’ll never forget. The idea of this is to bring both victim and predator together, giving both the option to get what they’re after.. The predators will of course not have to ‘stick to the rules,’ oocly encouraged to take it too far with their clients. Lurkers can absolutely use the business as a front. and there will be contracts in place with the clients: so for example, a predator takes advantage of someone they’ve found on the street corner. she runs to the police, but the predator just so happens to work at SR. He’s stolen blank contracts and falsified it with the victims name. Who are the cops going to believe? I believe this can encourage RP for lurkers, innocents, and the PD as well. We could also get with other businesses for events. Events: For opening and other events, alongside sales, we would be prepared to offer themed masquerades (masked sexual encounters) and swingers parties (orgies are preferred), teaming up with other businesses to cater the events, placing them in underground locations to keep anonymity. SR is all about the quiet side of things, not exposing one person’s darkest desires to the world. The events would offer an opportunity to experience what we can provide to you in a safe environment. This idea would not have been possible without Belca and Tommi, who will be involved in bringing the darker turn to this business. EXPERIENCE: I've been helping Andi run Synthetic Realities since it opened, but I've also assisted with ownership in the past with Yama at the Icky Quickie. IDEAS: Just to plug in that I'd like to do an event that we'd planned and put into motion but unfortunately real life got in the way for it to ever happen. The event was to showcase different fantasies by using our employees and, with the permission of the surrounding businesses owners, using each individual building (SR, 8s, law office, and Icky) to act out different fantasies to give people an idea. Like a living museum, potential customers can view the fantasies as their acted out to give them an idea of what the possibilities are, brief viewings that are already pretyped (to save time) and to allow our customers to react and even interact if they so choose. OTHER: The "BACKGROUND" is just a copy paste from the original proposal for Synthetic Realities as the premise of the business is staying the same. In an attempt to alleviate some of the weight off Andi while she is online and being pulled in several directions as a GM, she has asked me to step up to take ownership of Synthetic Realities. As I had a hand in creating the initial idea, I am more than happy to do so because it would be a shame to let this baby die out before it has a chance to flourish. I've been the manager since it began, hiring on specialists as well as trying to extend my hand out for new customers. Each of the employees thus far has had a hand in generating ideas and thus far have worked very well together. We hope to create an array of different rp as the business continues to grow, from happy endings to IC friction for the sake of character drama. I'm proud of this business for what it is as a concept and how we've gone about it so far - keeping it one of the establishments that could take a variety of different abrupt turns, negative and positive, debating on what our customers challenge us to create for their enjoyment.


EXPERIENCE:I am passionate about this business and want to see it stand a chance in leaving a lasting impression. Andi has given me a fair opportunity to do just that by stepping down to put her efforts in other areas she may be needed.



February 17, 2016 at 1:56 pm
Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



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February 17, 2016 at 1:57 pm
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February 17, 2016 at 5:15 pm
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February 17, 2016 at 5:31 pm
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February 18, 2016 at 10:36 am
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February 25, 2016 at 12:41 pm
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