Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [BUSINESS] Pravda

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DATE: 05/13/11

PROPOSAL BY: Nikolai Niekerk


TYPE: Gentlemen's Club

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Pravda is a Gentlemen's Club. In layman's terms a whorehouse that thrives to seem sophisticated for the public eye. Pravda is the central point of operations for the Niekerk family and their criminal and non-criminal businesses. The main plan for Pravda is to capture and hire girls off the streets to offer full service, from drinks to whatever else a paying customer might want. Pravda has come about through a long road. Roxy Hillburton used to have her establishment near where Pravda now resides for a long, long time and in past it used to be a Hair Salon, a Whorehouse, a Massage Parlor and Roxy's bar. Nikolai Niekerk joined the business through marriage with Roxy, who is now Niekerk as well. When Nikolai joined the name of the business was changed to Pravda, which first used to be a bar and later on, cafe. A few months back Simone Yheng moved away from the building where Pravda now resides, formerly the Lotus Club. The Niekerks saw their chance and went on to take over the building, setting their own business up in it. The overall agenda of the Niekerks is to take their place in the criminal underworld of Dead End. While their business front is Pravda, they are trying to expand their agenda into protection business, drugs, bail bonds and loan sharking. As of now they are making themselves known and setting examples of people who tread on their bad side.

UNIQUE: Pravda is the only Gentlemen's Club in the town and easily the most sophisticated establishment in whole of Dead End. Thriving for elegance and the look of luxury. Pravda offers street girls and others alike shelter and protection, as long as they pay for the favor by working for them.

EXP:Qualities, first off, activity. I spend hours of my days playing in Dead End and been doing so continuously for over a year. Guaranteed to be stable in running a business. I have ran various organisations and guilds in different roleplay environments and have a basic knowledge of how things should be ran in an organized manner. I have spent nearly a year now in Dead End and been playing actively all that time. My chat and text based roleplay experience however is not limited to that, as I've been roleplaying in SL for over three years now. Even before doing so, I roleplayed in forum based play by post roleplays and IRC chatrooms since 2004. My partner in crime, Roxy Niekerk has nearly two years of experience in Dead End and she has been running a business in Dead End since the start of her Dead End career. Her experience in running a business in Dead End is as valuable as mine and we work well as a team.

IDEAS:We would like to do business with local girl traffickers and drug dealers to see what they have to offer. We are the end station for girls as we rarely traffic girls ourselves after receiving them. Pravda offers a more sinister and a little bit less public environment for people to socialize and talk about things that couldn't generally be talked in public.

OTHER:Everything has been pretty much covered. At the moment Pravda offers a central point for quite a few people's roleplay, and we are looking forward to get more people involved. We are also one of the few businesses that are active on European timezone daytimes.

May 14, 2011 at 12:48 am
Profile photo of lucy



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May 21, 2011 at 6:31 pm
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June 2, 2011 at 3:59 am
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November 26, 2011 at 11:16 pm
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