[BUSINESS] New Dawn Center for Enlightenment

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New Dawn Center For Enlightenment
By lloer irelund

TYPE: Ritual Cult Center

SLURL: Dead Drop (141,33,23)

BACKGROUND: Background: The Black Mambas has taken the Red Light District and held it through many trying times but with the influx of the various factions moving into their territory and the lack of support from the police department, they have decided to slink into the shadows to gather their powerbase again. But even sleeping snakes will bite when they are stepped on...so enter the New Dawn. NEW DAWN DE The New Dawn Center For Enlightenment is a new business springing up in Dead Drop. Is it out of the place, yes, but so often the best treasures are those that you must seek out. The idea sprang up from a Mamba witnessing someone taking the full bite of a Black Mamba snake and not only surviving when the circumstance should have meant her death but that someone also showed strength of character in surviving a torture session without breaking. That Mamba became inspired to learn how to make their body stronger, their mind stronger, and their spirit stronger. Gathering the greatest minds in the Black Mambas (stop laughing), the New Dawn was born. We seek to use various religions, philosophies, and physical training to not only make them a stronger person, the Ubermensch (Nietche's Superman), but also to pass that knowledge on to their recruits to build an army of the enlightened. Wiccan rituals, meditation, yoga, drum circles, massage, Kama Sutra, if there is anything to be learned from any scripture, ritual, philosophy book, life experience, or even one's imagination, it will be used and taught. Come for the scented candles, stay for the skyclad dancing under the full moon's light. The New Dawn´s cash flow: Everything costs money, you know it, we know it. Like with every cult, the New Dawn is about giving up your worldly goods when you accept their teachings and the New Dawn administrators are willing to take those goods for the good of the Center. Of course, many of the poor might be flocking to the Center for enlightenment so there must always be new revenue coming in. The Black Mambas have learned how to make money using sex, sex is a way to become closer not only to who you really are but to each other so why not use it in the style of the temple prostitutes of Ancient Rome? Gypsies, tramps, and thieves was a term used to describe the New Dawn so we embrace the terms. We will be going out in public performing dance, juggling, fortunetelling, all the things to bring culture and art to the city while pickpocketing the distracted. The casino will be a focal point for cash as we hope to bring more rp to the poor deserted fun zone with New Dawn acting as dealers for the tables to add realism to the casino. The Massage Parlor and Lyss's Lair will be great places to meet a New Dawn whore. Symbolism: The snake will remain a focal point as symbol, inspiration, weapon and so on. Rho would insist as it was the venom of Nemesis (a real black mamba snake) she let loose on a victim during a pit fight, that put a crazy idea in her head for Lyss to take and think to make money off of it. Every ritual will have someone holding a snake even if they are not dancing, a snake should be seen. If you have a fear of the snake, perhaps the New Dawn would be the best place for you to get rid of that fear. We would like for there to be a kissing greeting among all members from the highest to the lowest even if it is just a peck on the lips to show closeness. We need to make sure everyone who is a part of this feels like they are a part of something HUGE, as in family by an intimate kiss to show they are as much a part of you as you are of them I think would work. So it strongly differs from Dion´s cult as religion to Lyss is a tool and not taken too seriously by most of the New Dawn administration. They are seeking to steal the money from the seekers of enlightenment and those that do not believe, breaking and bending minds to gain control of those that so desperately need to believe in something. We are a profane cult that seeks to take the best of all religions and use it for their ultimate goal: Power. Will we place curses on those we consider enemies? Yes while we also send cultist under cover of darkness to make the curse come true. Will we read your tarot, read your palms, or stare into a crystal ball to show you your future? Of course, but we will also use whatever in our power to make those fortunes appear true. Some may call us charlatans but we prefer to be called inspired to greatness. Of course this offers exciting RP for undercover reporters and cops and other factions who might 'lose' members to the cult as the New Dawn accepts everyone. Every Black Mamba is New Dawn but not every New Dawn convert will be a Black Mamba so that any Hellcat or Pawn that comes seeking or spying need not leave their old life behind...but those that show the greatest promise will be trained and inducted into the Black Mambas so that when they come out of the shadows they will be stronger than before. Ideas: Well Black Mamba was always hungry as will be the cult behind the New Dawn facade. Everybody who seems not to be 100% happy with her/his life will be brought there to find help, guidance, a light at the end of the tunnel. ”We cannot give you answers before teaching you to ask the right questions, now come with me, think of yourself as a glass with old water… we empty that glass and refill it drop by drop and with each drop you will understand more on yourself…” It will be a crude mixture of western mysticism like freemasonry and eastern mysticism found in few Dojo melted to a sweet pill in the Ritter´s cold mindset. Other: There are many opportunities for events at the New Dawn Center from recruitment drives to naked rituals under the full moon, magic mushroom tea orgies, public entertainment in the form of dancing, fortune telling, juggling, whatever talent a New Dawn recruit brings to the table as well as common thievery. We are hoping to support the Hedonist Casino in the form of providing table dealers to give roleplayers a more realistic experience as well as provide help to the Massage Parlor and Lyss's Lair. We welcome others coming in to cause trouble or lend their strength to make it not only a business experience, not only a faction experience, but to make it a Dead End experience.


EXPERIENCE:Experience: Rho started out running the Dark Rose Detective Agency down in the RLD before changing it over to the Lyss's Lair bar. Rho has been a part of the Black Mambas as second in command since the beginning. To aid her in keeping the business running will be the Black Mambas who always come together in need to support one another. Lyss's Lair, the Massage Parlor, and the Casino all tie in to the New Dawn Center and will be available for help when Rho is not online.



September 30, 2015 at 7:52 pm
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September 30, 2015 at 8:14 pm
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October 1, 2015 at 9:24 am
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xelan morgath


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October 4, 2015 at 7:46 am
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October 4, 2015 at 6:59 pm
Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



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October 10, 2015 at 8:30 pm
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