[BUSINESS] Meat & Eat

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DATE: 10/31/11

PROPOSAL BY: amyledoux resident

GROUP NAME: Meat & Eat

TYPE: Restaurant

SLURL: DE IC street shop

BACKSTORY: After coming to the city and being lucky enough to pulled into the attention of several business geniuses, the naive and almost blank canvas Amy spent a lot of quiet time listening and learning. From her ventures in the salon dealings, Amy slowly and surely had her head filled with what she heard time and time again. Business and the fortune it can bring when thought out correctly, from the shop front to more dodgy dealings that manipulate the naive. Since Amy was lucky enough to be on the learning side and not the used front, she now wishes to put all what she's learnt to real practice and impress the circle of people she's involved with. With this all in mind, she's swiped the remaining cash account from her father and would use pretty much all of it in building a small restaurant to gain her first foot in branching on her own while still being rather blank minded in knowing what she was doing. Leaving the chance for quite a lot of problems to happen, on her side.

UNIQUE: Very few restaurant type businesses currently exist around the city and the chance to have more places where drinking is not the main focus but a place to be social and of course, eat! It wouldn't just be a standard place that survives on it's own. Amy has only swiped a certain amount of money to get the place going. It'd be riddled with dirt, cheap meats and rotten furniture that's had a dash of paint. Leaving the business desperate to stay open by looking outward for favours and corners to cut. Its food would be leaning more towards the greased general purpose food, from chickens, spiced, burgers and meal packs for the start. Which leaves it the chance to do more take away orders. This gives the chance for the restaurant owner to send the delivery girl(s) out to more shady characters, not telling them that they were the delivery and not the food itself. On the social side, it provides another establishment to eat at and hang about. Often it's quite nice to have somewhere to get a proper meal to eat between a small group or just a couple. The food quality might be shabby but they'd get to eat it over a half burnt down candle! Back to the subject of why it'd be able to fit into the city. Because its finance is unstable, this would give the chance for current existing groups to pick at it. Cops giving the owner a shake down with threats on closing the place because of its low hygiene standards. Individuals selling questionable 'meat' at low prices. Hospital RP as well could be included. What happens after some of this cheap meat is eaten? Food poisoning or just a really battered up stomach that requires a trip down to the local hospital. Of course this can all come back and backfire on the owner who'll have to cut deals and pretty much seek each option of help to keep open.

EXP:I've not been in DE too long now, only several months. That being said, I believe I get on well with pretty much all the community I play with and I'm not lacking in common sense enough to know a good healthy environment is needed :p Often I speak with some more of the long term players and always take on what's said in hope of improving myself along the way. I think activity can be important to, which I'm on and ready pretty much each day and I don't see the chance to take on the leader role as a role to do things just my way either. More a role to take on everyone's opinions who are involved and try to work everything in to support a healthy role-play area. Which is also exciting in its own way because it leaves me to still learn and adapt as well as, hopefully, play with new role-players who want to join in.

IDEAS:Events could be exciting for when events around DE happen. For example, the beach event that happened a little while ago, the restaurant could be the evening place to go to after or it could have been hired to provide the food for the event. So, deliveries and cantering for others events is a possibility. For newcomers, I thought it'd be a great chance for new players to do the usual hang out, eat and get to know an area, also get a job working the tables. Since the restaurant isn't the sophisticated type, it'd help fit for characters that are looking for cheap and easy work. Also for those looking on the more kinky side, if the restaurant has connections to people looking for the naive, they could order order out, the restaurant sends over a worker to deliver the food, and as mentioned above earlier, they'd be captured possibly. Opening a path to those seeking that kind of play. If needed, the restaurant could turn more risqué. What's better than a hot meal? A hot meal served by a sexy waitress of course! Maybe think Hooters in that sense :p Touching again on the newcomers, it could be a great starting point for those just starting, want a job, do some time and branch out to a new job after they're settled. Not forgetting forced labour from time to time. Someone has to stay nights and prepare all that food for the next day. I mentioned up above about others manipulating the owner. To expand a little, others could capture some of the staff and demand some kinda of trade in return, or blackmail the owner. Nothing would stop someone from teaching the owner a lesson for serving them a gut curling meal. Sending the restaurant workers into deals just to earn enough money to keep the place up and running.

OTHER:I mainly think this is a good idea because it's good to have some more places to eat and mainly it provides branches into other role-play. Not to mention everyone loves to pick up a restaurant chair and crack it over the others back when a deal goes bad over pasta!

October 31, 2011 at 6:45 pm
Profile photo of xiii-naxos



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November 1, 2011 at 8:14 am
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November 2, 2011 at 9:38 pm
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