[BUSINESS] Jade Dragon

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Profile photo of Faerie Lindley



DATE: 04/08/12

PROPOSAL BY: Jarek Tomsen

GROUP NAME: Jade Dragon

TYPE: General/Moderate Criminal Intent

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Using the remaining assets handed down to ((my character)) Xianyong Su by the currently prominent Van Horn family, he decided to separate himself from that business upon the advice of his sister, Linwei Su (Nadya Paine), and buy ownership of the Jade Dragon, both as a way to allow them to survive within the city and to allow himself to keep his feet on either side of the door, enabling his sister to remain on the more legit side of the business. Both an eatery and a spot to distribute/share information about Dead End's underworld, this place seeks to gain a sort of monopoly on a vital asset among the criminals in the city. Most employees are kept oblivious, while some are invited to act as agents, enforcers or information brokers, allowing them to function in the market by gaining and selling information about the dealings in the city. Or, in the worst case scenario, offering some of the larger pests to its survival a "death by a thousand cuts."

UNIQUE: I'm hoping to provide some sort of neutral ground for criminals and citizens. A place where criminal dealings or links to such are an option, not a necessity. I also hope to give criminals a place to start, a sort of lifeline or map, by getting them in touch with some of the more prominent families. To say the least, this gang is sort of like the Shadow Broker in Mass Effect. The Shadow Broker buys and sells information, but acts as a separate faction on their own with mercenaries and guards. In a sense, this is a "neutral" gang (starting out, at least) that will likely cross one or many others in its lifespan.

EXP:I am attentive and aware, and always looking to improve. I don't just focus on the positives nor the negatives, I tend to look for both and seek some sort of balance. I'm approachable and active, to boot. I am also able to start on neutral ground with the administration of the sim and just about everyone in the community. I also care about the quality of RP and the promotion of it. I also have no problems reaching a compromise nor do I have any issue with being honest.

IDEAS:ICly, I'm hoping to provide a sit-down-and-eat sort of place with a realistic vibe, using my experience from CD's Super Chopsticks and my RL knowledge of Chinese food (Cantonese, to be exact) while also providing the same experience for the more criminally inclined to discuss their dealings. I'd like for both the criminals and the citizen-type characters to get some use out of the place, regardless of their character's background. OOCly, I'd like to ensure some of the more experienced members (if not all) are approachable as well to any newcomers. I think it would be ideal for newcomers to have a spot to get their feet wet or to have individuals they can approach for assistance or even guidance, if they so choose. The hardest thing for myself, when I was new, was getting into the criminal element. I would like others to avoid going through the time and sanity I did while maintaining a legitimate IC way of going about it rather than make the newcomer mistakes of metagaming or godmoding. One thing I would like to enforce myself is patience, both to promote RP and teach others. As far as events go, that is still in deliberation, but I would like to have some collaboration with the other criminal factions that remain. A gang war would be nice to see again. I think that would be my goal before seeking out any alliance.

OTHER:DE is in need of more places to eat rather than to just drink. Lulu's is iconic, for sure, and it's been around since I first joined the sim, but we've already got three bars (technically, bar/casino with the third) on the sim as it is and not enough places to eat. Plus, a semi-neutral ground for criminals would be a great thing for all, in my opinion.

April 8, 2012 at 2:00 pm
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April 8, 2012 at 4:03 pm
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April 8, 2012 at 4:53 pm
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April 8, 2012 at 5:16 pm
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April 8, 2012 at 5:52 pm
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April 8, 2012 at 11:41 pm
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April 9, 2012 at 12:49 am
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April 9, 2012 at 12:58 am
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