[BUSINESS] Hard Pressed Nail Boutique

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [BUSINESS] Hard Pressed Nail Boutique

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DATE: 04/22/12

PROPOSAL BY: CricketPierce Resident

GROUP NAME: Hard Pressed Nail Boutique

TYPE: Nail Salon

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: I have been whirling the idea around for awhile, when I came across a product that actually allows you to do the animations of the nails as well as give the person getting the manicure the actual product they can wear. The overall agenda is just to have a business unlike any of the others already here. It's something tangible that the ladies, and the men of Dead End can actually use and keep.

UNIQUE: It isn't a bar or a restaurant. I know that yes, men can use the salon too, but it will give the women a chance for a place to rp for them. They can chat, share gossip, and have it not be all about sex, what have you. That and it's an actual product, there are no places here where you can buy something tangible that you can keep with you once you leave the store. I think that's ideal.

EXP:Cricket used to work at the Jade Dragon and she spent more time there actually working then the manager even did. She was capable of tossing people out when they got rowdy, and she genuinely wants to do good in Dead End.

IDEAS:I think having a vendor fair or kind of a street fair type thing could be a good idea, it gives a chance for Dead End to earn some money to stay up and running. There are kiosks that can be purchased, etc. Also, I think a new player orientation might not be a bad idea. Alot of people hop on and don't really know what rp is, or what is considered a decent pose, even if it is in the rp guide.

OTHER:I'm not as new as it says, Cricket is a new character, yes, but I've been playing here a few months now. I don't just have characters here who are about sex, I'm here for the experience of rping in sl. That being said, I think this is a unique business and could be a lot of fun, not only for the female population of Dead End, but a viable place for others to gather ic info through gossip etc.

April 22, 2012 at 8:21 pm
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