Business Front Requirements Revised !!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Rene Sabetha rene-sabetha 10 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Kahlen Vaniva



OK so .. you all spoke up, let it be known what was working and what wasn't and as staff we took your feelings into consideration and the rules have changed.
Every faction must have a business front, a place to hang out IC that explains their cash or lack there of etc etc. BUt most importantly .. a place that ties them to the community and keeps them grounded in realism. It also gives them a place for people to ICly learn of your faction and or contact your faction.

HOWEVER! No longer does that business have to be owned by your faction lead. Anyone of your members may be the owner of said business. IF the business owner leaves your gang or faction ( or loses the business) you’ll have 2 weeks for someone in your faction to apply or to ICLy ” take over” a place. OOCLY you will need to get with the owner of that business and learn whether they are willing to be a member of your faction or a front for your faction etc etc.

For instance: if Bob were to for some reason decide he can no longer run the dark room.. and someone from the syndicate took it over instead of someone in Circus Maximus.. Then Bob and his cohorts would have two weeks to establish a new hang out ICly at say.. the Diner. OOCLY they would need to talk to Madison since it’s her diner and say .. ” hey do you want to join our gang? If not.. are you interested in being forced icly to pay protection money to the Circus .. and in exchange we’ll hang out and harass you and keep you full of Rp’s”

Those of you faction leaders that own a business you don’t wish to keep as one or several of your members already owns runs a business that is perfectly understandable.. please post it in the leader forums.. and get with Kyo so he can help you to get things ended right.

The staff

August 9, 2014 at 2:36 pm
Profile photo of Rene Sabetha



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August 15, 2014 at 6:39 am
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