[BUSINESS] Dick’s Half Way Inn

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [BUSINESS] Dick’s Half Way Inn

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Profile photo of Faerie Lindley



DATE: 05/23/12

PROPOSAL BY: Oniedah Resident

GROUP NAME: Dicks Halfway Inn

TYPE: Motel

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Oniedah just hadn't been making the same tips as she had in the past with her work at the Jade dragon. Bills were piling up but she would never admit that to anyone. So she found herself wandering the red light district to find the hiring sign at Dicks halfway Inn. She quickly found herself employed and as a manager no less! With Oniedah's recent growing dislike for the local police force she had no problem renting rooms to people on the run, pimps, hookers, anyone who was downtrodden. With a few lucky breaks and a sudden raise she wound up with enough cash to buy the place. Out of the 'kindness' of her heart she's more than happy to make a few deals with her clientele. Call girls at request, extended stays, and a very strict " Don't ask don't tell" with it comes to any activity within the motel for an added fee. Shes more than happy to toss the DEPD a few lies, however most of the other workers are a bit out of the loop and regardless are paid to keep their mouth shut and do as told.

UNIQUE: The place should blend in as if just a normal run of the mill motel. it shouldn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. But in reality its more than just a place to get your rocks off. Of course its going to have its uses for the town's whores. But I also intend for it to be a bit of a hide away for people who want to " Kidnap" or " Relocate" someone. Generally its the place to be if you need to hide. Its not going to be the typical place to come if you're looking for info on someone, however everything and everyone can be bought at a price right?

EXP:In other Rp games/forums I've played on in the past I have run a bar before and I've also helped manage stores. SL is still new to me so this would be one of my first opportunities getting to spread my wings and show what I can do. I'm very creative and I'm great at keeping IC and OOC separate, which with this job could be a big ting. I really enjoy my RP here and with the amount of time I'm on weekly... it shows. Now I'd just like to give something back to the community that has been so great to me.

IDEAS:Really, I think it would be interesting to have multiple things happen here so that its fun for all types of players. For hookers I think it would be fun to do a lottery once a week and the winner could get a free room for the night of their choosing. I'd also like to implement some kind of call girl system through the locals, be it by the hookers them self or by some system with pimps. For criminals I'd like to have the place as a bit of a safe haven. Clients can pay for the confidentiality of their stay, they can hide, whatever they need we'll oblige to. it would be interesting to get some kind of smuggling system going [be it for drugs or people] Really I'm up for anything and I think it would be interesting to work something out with the local cult owners, seeing as everyone needs a place to get their dirty business done!

OTHER:To those who know Oniedah, she came to DE as an innocent girl from Japan. Slowly from IC events shes becoming more aware of her surroundings and becoming more hardened, and with that grows a bit of hatred for the police force[again from IC issues] She is constantly out to help people however she does have a dark side that not many have met yet. Her background also helps her fall into this line of work even though she was avoiding it at first. It seems she was becoming her father after all. I want to make sure this place gets the attention and RP it deserves. it may be tough at first but I'm hoping I can make it a common place to go to RP for all your needs!

May 24, 2012 at 2:47 am
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May 24, 2012 at 3:25 am
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May 24, 2012 at 5:49 am
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May 24, 2012 at 7:40 am
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May 24, 2012 at 10:38 pm
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