[BUSINESS] Dead End Credit Union

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DATE: 03/03/12

PROPOSAL BY: Pariah Exonar

GROUP NAME: Dead End Credit Union

TYPE: Bank

SLURL: Office Building Across from the Eights, next door to the Quickie Mart

BACKSTORY: For a few months now I've been working with a friend to develop a currency/economy system that would work well with the RP environment of Dead End. Once it was completed, I began to think of a way to incorporate the system, without disrupting the RP of Dead End. What I plan to do with the bank is not only bring a sense of economy to the City, but also enhance the Roleplay in the sense of adding a bit of realism to the environment. While the system itself is and will be completely optional, I believe that the possibilities for Roleplay will be greatly expanded by this system. From employees of the Businesses actually being paid for working their jobs, to the criminal organization conducting business face to face, to the one person who is saving their money to build a better life for themselves, the list can go on. They say money is the root of all evil. Well a bank would be the heart of hell within the depths of this hell.

UNIQUE: I believe that having a bank within the city will of course allow more people to immerse themselves in the environment. It is, and will be a City owned business ICly and OOCly if desired, and it woudl make sense that the other businesses, which are also owned by the city, will have need to make a certain ammount of money to stay open. (Another Option for Roleplay) This I believe will promote more inter-faction Roleplay with the businesses competing against one another both for dominance over their perspective services, and to those who may need a loan from one of the more successful businesses to stay in business. This is just one example but I'm certain there will be more idea that spring along.. and not just from myself.

EXP:I was a prosecutor in DE before the courthouse was torn down. Since then I have lost a bit of purpose.. but now that the system is complete I feel that my role is clear. I have been Roleplaying in DE for over a year, and I have been in many other forms of Roleplay prior to. There is another Roleplay environment, Antiquity Historical Roleplay, who uses a system very similar to this. It was very successful.

IDEAS:Aside from the above, I will be able to answer any questions regarding the system to those who show an interest in it. ICly, with a bank buying owner ship of the businesses, and holding the titles to those businesses, i expect a bit of IC controversy, police Corruption, etc. My RP with the bank would be primarily focused on maintaining control of the cash flow within the city, both Legally and not. What is a bank without cash to distribute and acquire?

OTHER:This is an idea i've had for a while now, and i've spoken to Petra about it before, before she stepped down. The economy system is completely HUD based and low lag. Everyone that chooses to test/try/or use this system will receive $1000 in currency to start with. how they acquire more will be up to them and their RP. No lindens will need to be spent on this System, I am able to distribute it to all interested parties. Furthermore, even if the system itself is not needed or desired, I believe having a bank will be something that the people may enjoy seeing. This system will not be used to replace rent boxes to homes in the City, but may be used to pay for rooms at the motel, Drinks at a bar, Movies from the Pornography shop, or even the VIP memberships from Broken betties. In normal society, money is needed for just about everything.. and I've seen RPers who are barely a day old on sim, claiming to be super rich within their first 5 mins of RP. While it is a dream of everyoen to live such a life, I believe having a sense of realism to this, and the means to back up such a claim will be great for Roleplay both ICly and OOCly.

March 4, 2012 at 3:34 am
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March 4, 2012 at 3:06 pm
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March 5, 2012 at 2:47 am
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