[BUSINESS] DE Welcome Center

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Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



<b>DE Welcome Center and Souvenir Shop</b>
By 8amadeus8 Resident

TYPE: Community Service

SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dead%20End/197/236/47

BACKGROUND: The Welcome Center will provide a community service to the city of Dead End. While the city keeps it manned with criminals who are out on parole, assigned house arrest bracelets, or out on good behavior, and assigned to community service, they also hire a few "nice people". The Welcome Center will host walking city tours and community job fairs. With Deus' current criminal record, it would stand to reason that he would be on parole for quite some time...and I feel rather safe in saying that he will likely run into more trouble down the road, leaving him as a somewhat "permanent" fixture at the place. While I will OOCly be running this business, Deus is not ICly the owner, the city is, though I will wear a "Welcome Center Lead" tag. Therefore, Deus does not ICly need money to start this business or to keep it up and running. I think this would be great for the city of Dead End, for several reasons. It will be a place where new people can "star" easily and get attention. It would also be a "factionless" area where it doesn't matter if you're a Hellcat, a Syndicate member or whatever you're affiliated with....you can work there, because you "have to"....or can pretend you have to :P. It would aslo offer tours for those who are new to the city and can be a place where they can find out where they can work, where they can rent and any other information that you all might be able to offer in your suggestions to this request. I see this as, and hope for, a "second job" area for many mentors on the sim, and would welcome anyone to work there. It fits if your character is a criminal, or if your character is simply a nice innocent who enjoys welcoming people to the community. I have also thought that this would be a great place to have vendors for such things as "I <3 Dead End City" t-shirts" (if someone wanted to make them and Nadir approved them), thus the souvenir shop aspect of it. I also envision some type of in world advertisements for the various businesses that are hiring in Dead End (perhaps a bulletin board with posters). Also, the tours would offer information on each business and rental property, as well as "gang territories." This would really give a new member a beginning understanding of Dead End and how it works and is laid out. I would like to work with the admins to come up with a scripted tour that would be passed out in a notecard to anyone giving tours. I am very willing to work with Sim Administration on the layout of the shop and things they would like to see incorporated into it. As many of the gang members often find themselves in jail, and might provide such community service at some point or another, it will also serve as a great recruiting ground. A place where old members can more easily meet the new people to the city. This goes with those who are looking to find people to work in their businesses as well. Is your business or roleplay in a slump? Go work at the welcome center and meet some new faces to get your roleplay going again!


EXPERIENCE:I was a lead for Easy 8 for awhile while before rl took me away. I really enjoyed being a part of the leadership team, and I miss it. And while I don't think it's reasonable for anyone to say they will never leave sl, I do see myself being here for awhile, even though I'm not on as much as I used to be. Even with that, I do feel that I am around enough to take on this responsibility and would appreciate the opportunity.



August 10, 2014 at 12:38 pm
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August 10, 2014 at 6:59 pm
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August 10, 2014 at 9:21 pm
Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



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August 10, 2014 at 11:14 pm
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