[BUSINESS] DE Public Service

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Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



Dead End Public Service
By Xelan Morgath

TYPE: Cleaning Business

SLURL: Pawn Shop

BACKGROUND: The Pawns are often arrested and do a lot of community service. During one of her days picking up litter from the streets of Dead End, it dawned on Xelan Yheng how to make the best of a bad situation and actually make money while performing a service to the community. You can't control the Police Department and you can't control the Justice System either. But you can try to control the community services, especially in times when the local authorities are always struggling with their budgets. Xelan Yheng proposed to the local authorities to help them cut the budgets of some of the community services in half by offering them to take street cleaning and garbage collecting off their hands. Xelan trusts she will make enough money from anything useful in the trashcans to actually make a profit from this. After all, people often throw stuff out that's still perfectly usable and even broken stuff often has useful materials in them, like metals, glass and plastics. By convincing Town Hall they can provide street sweepers and garbage trucks for half the money it normally costs, the Pawns are trying to take control of the community services. Officially the Dead End Public Service will keep the roads of the city clean and free of snow and garbage. They will also help out the Justice Department by putting ex-criminals to work and provide community service instead of going to prison. The DEPS will be subsidized by the local authorities but only for half of what it is supposed to cost to keep the city clean. In return the DEPS will get to keep everything they can recycle from the waste they collect. Usable stuff, like furniture, clothes, electronics etc., will be repaired, cleaned and then sold in the Pawn Shop. Recycled materials like copper, tin, glass, plastic, silver and gold will be sold to various industries. Unofficially the DEPS also performs other cleaning services. You want something cleaned up? Call the DEPS. You want to clean up a crime scene or get rid of weapons, evidence or even corpses? No problem at all. However, if you fail to pay or if you cross the Pawns too much, you might end up with a pile of garbage on your doorstep or we might use your home to dump collected snow. Employers of the DEPS will drive around the city using street sweepers, garbage trucks or snow plows, or will walk around using leaf blowers. Ex-detainees will be put to work in orange suits by order of the Justice Bureau. Needless to say that enemies of the Pawns will be put to work cleaning the street with a tooth brush. However, the Pawns won't be able to abuse their new power without limits, because the Justice Bureau will keep a close eye on conduct and the DEPS will be reviewed on a monthly basis on efficiency and activities. Events planned: Keep the City Clean Day, Snow Plow Day, Plant a Tree Day, Recycle Now Day, but also such events as a strike of garbage collectors... Location: Trucks will be kept at our land in Dead Drop and our office will be run at the Pawn Shop.


EXPERIENCE:I already run the Pawn Shop for almost a year now and I am also the lead of the Pawns, one of the four regular factions in Dead End. The DEPS is a logical addition to the Pawn Shop and the Pawns but I waited with this idea until the Pawns had grown powerful enough to justify such a move. Pawns are thieves and scavengers so trying to get a hand into the waste management of the city is only natural. I see it as the classic mafia move. But this is not so much meant to increase the power of the Pawns, not oocly anyways. I see it more as having a new angle of roleplay in the city. By roleplaying the cleaning services and making work of such things as community service, actually providing jobs for that, we hope to contribute more to the rp potential in the city.



November 15, 2015 at 11:33 am
Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



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November 15, 2015 at 11:34 am
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ming yheng


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November 15, 2015 at 3:49 pm
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November 15, 2015 at 7:19 pm
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November 15, 2015 at 11:24 pm
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xelan morgath


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November 16, 2015 at 7:07 am
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xelan morgath


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November 18, 2015 at 7:53 am
Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



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November 20, 2015 at 1:22 pm
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