[BUSINESS] Bitter End Photography

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DATE: 10/24/11

PROPOSAL BY: donu coba

GROUP NAME: Bitter End Photography

TYPE: Photography

SLURL: Private land - Dead Drop

BACKSTORY: What id really like is to see more buisnesses out in Dead Drop to make it more active. Id like to consider myself a quality photographer, with a expensive studio. And the willingness to give here for free what i charge elsewhere for. I do photo's ranging from profile to fetish. Which i thought might be something of interest in DE.Along with the rp of it all. Others have shown some interest in what i do photography wise in DE and the interaction between certain groups should help add to the success of the buisness.

UNIQUE: I have seen others offering to take peoples pictures in DE and ive had a few taken as well. Im not knocking what anyone does by any means. But id like to offer a quality service/product beyond just the rp of it. Whats better then good rp and you actually get pic's you can use in your home or profile, ect. I think one of the best things is, that down the road. People see that pic and it gives them something more then a distant memory of a rp.

EXP:I've ran several sl buisness's in sl and rl and vamp clan. I know some see vamps as a bit of a joke and thats ok. One thing ive learned with all of them is you have to deal with a multitude of different personalities and " egos". If you can find a way to swim threw those and talk to people. Half your battle has been one. Id like to think thats something i do well.

IDEAS:I want to do something for DE, more then just rp or rent land to help cover teir costs. I love Dead Drop but there just doesnt seem to be alot out there that brings people like DE does. I see alot of new people come to DE, blank profile, no pic. Its a good way to meet people. Help them out with a pic and for alot its something they will remember and it gives them a place to go back to where people arent treating them like "noobs" They actually want to involve them.

OTHER:Ive talked to several people in the community who are very interested in getting involved with it. If the groups accepted, those who have photography skills already and those with modeling experience. It gives them the ability to do something they already love and a place right in DE to do it. Its a win win for everyone. They dont have to leave to do what they love to do anymore.

October 24, 2011 at 8:45 pm
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November 2, 2011 at 2:02 am
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November 2, 2011 at 9:36 pm
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