[BUSINESS] Allied Forensic

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DATE: 05/13/11

PROPOSAL BY: RainWolf Littlebird

GROUP NAME: Allied Forensic Bu

TYPE: Department of Forensic Science

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: After coming to DE with a great interest to role play and not just the usual type you might find, my character had a softly developed back story (as to why she would be in DE) set with a history of college degrees and life before she came to the city...I have a great interest in Forensics in Real Life, and have noticed a lack of it in Dead End in many ways. I believe it would benefit many role play groups and players within DE if we could incorporate Forensics. The police department could utilize Forensic Teams, from Anthropologists, crime scene, profiling, and many more..the court system as well would benefit, being able to call on expert witnesses during trials..I would also suggest that instead of enlisting a new business building, the Forensic Department could be hosted with the Hospital, as it would no doubt have a lab, and the morgue is meant to be located within as well.

UNIQUE: It would be an expansion on various other role play groups, allowing a numerous amount of role play opportunities for everyone in DE..from finding evidence to put a crime to justice, to corruption of evidence and data, and so much more.

EXP:I have role played five to six years both inside and outside second life, and in various genres..I am by no means an expert, and would welcome any help that was offered. As for the suggestion of a Forensic Department..it is a real life passion for me and something I find very interesting. I could only hope others would feel the same and enjoy getting involved with such an rp.

IDEAS:An open invitation for various city groups such as DEPD, the Judicial system, hospital and even general role players get involved, it would expand on the scenes of violence and corruption, instead of just leaving it to burn out slowly.


May 14, 2011 at 12:45 am
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May 14, 2011 at 4:46 am
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May 17, 2011 at 1:35 pm
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November 26, 2011 at 11:08 pm
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