Brad's Late Introduction

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of jackofalltradesbish Resident jackofalltradesbish-resident 9 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of Brad Black

dantebentzen resident


Totally didn't know there was an introduction page but I guess I'll make something for the people who check here and haven't seen me.

Why hello there, I'm Brad and I RP a character named Brad Black. I've been around Dead End for at least a month now but I was here before with another character back in November or something. Anyways, I have all my character's information on my picks page on SecondLife but I'll post some of the details here, but not the story since it's a bit long.

Name: Brad Black
Age: 19
Blood Type: AB+
Scent: Smoke and Old Spice
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black

He's from the South but he doesn't have an accent, though he does say y'all from time to time.

Profile photo of Xelan Yheng

xelan morgath


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