Booze distribution/moonshiners

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Profile photo of LucasBayne

lucas bayne


I know we're all super excited to get sellin on the booze and whatnot and I wanted to throw this out for people to keep in mind. Some simple things to check off

For those of us selling booze at insane prices (Not moonshiners)
Be sure you have a decent backstory when yer doing this. Such as, you have a friend who has a truck. You have connections with a shipping company who loan out semi's.. You have a giant hummer or SUV with lots of space in the back. If yer not a bar-owner currently, or work for a bar-owner who don't mind you nabbing his/her stock to sell, how are you bringing this stuff in? And from where? Are you ACTIVELY rping out hauling this in and storing it? Keep in mind to give the cops some more RP here, as well. Can they bust you?

Also be aware that we were given ONE day heads up. Filling an entire warehouse full of booze would be noticed, and quickly, by PD. Semi's coming in and out without an officer driving it would be highly suspicious and yer chances of getting busted would be greatly increased. That and the majority of us were hammered last night.

Also bare in mind that a lot of people are gonna be hiding stock. Booze hasn't completely ran out, as of yet.. Don't jump on the "SELL THIS SHIT FOR BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO EVERYONE!" train.. Expand your RP storyline, otherwise yer char is bringing in shipments of booze and you have no explanation as to how other than "somehow he got a lot of monies and went to Wisconsin on a Sunday.." When we start getting scary low on stock, THAT'S when the bootleggers can start reaping the benefits.. Ain't no bar owner in their right minds gonna pay anything for booze right now as most of us have our extra stock hidden and well.. we got it covered. Civilians, those not bootlegging, can keep this in mind, as well.. Will prices go up? Yes.. Will the skyrocket today? They shouldn't. Take your time with this one, folks.

For the glorious moonshiners who we will all rely on soon enough.
For those of us who are getting into the stills and whatnot, here are some tips that you can keep in mind to use in yer RP.

Buying copper is gonna be a duh. So again, how are you getting your stills built? Surely, once the booze starts diminishing cops are gonna look at the illegal means of making alcohol. Copper starts selling like wild-fire they're gonna know. And most places (Maynard would be the one, I believe, you'd be going to for all yer still building needs) keep tabs on who buys copper. You don't hand over a photo ID, you don't get yer copper. And if ya do, cops can trace ya. It's gonna be sneaky fun so be creative and keep it on the real side. Have your character visit the bookstore and check out books in regards to building stills. We are not all moonshiners. Some of us have a backstory that we can work it into. People who lived in NY for 16 years and worked on the urban streets aren't gonna have the first clue how a still works. If it's someone who came down from the mountains and talks so damned thick that the yanks are just like "whu?" then yeah.. it's likely you'd have SOME idea how they run/work.

Buying the essentials for moonshining will likely be done with the restaurants/bars/icky... Cause ya need corn and other produce... or other various ways to make mash.. SO.. Eventually, cops might start policing that. Same for propane and propane accessories. But we don't have Hank, so... Maynard, it is.

With all that in mind, stills explode. They explode on people who have been doing moonshining for years and know all the secrets. So, it's likely newbs making booze gonna go pop... Also, if you want yer still to explode, be sure yer checking with an admin and with Kendall to set it up!! Having randoms making moonshine will result in a lot of boom...

Another fun thing with moonshiners is bad batches can come out of it.. So, don't be afraid to make shitty batches of booze that cause sickness (be sure yer informing your buyers this is a bad batch of booze and will induce vomiting, temporary blindness and mad cases of mudbutt BEFORE you sell it to them... Give them the choice cause ya can't force these things on someone)..

Ultimately, be creative about how yer doing things behind the scenes. If yer runnin bootlegged booze or shit you ran over the border, keep some realism in it. Same for the moonshiners.

just like everything else in DE, how is it coming in. HOW can your char afford it. And how does yer char have this knowledge?

Am super excited to see what you all come up with, but don't jump the gun too fast. Stock is still had and the bar owners will have creative ways to sell said stock. NOT SAYING that bootleggers can't go ahead nor can the moonshiners, but we don't wanna burn out on it right off the bat. So let's have some fun with it. Build up that backstory if you can all keep yer britches on for a bit.. ๐Ÿ˜›

And, as always, thoughts? Suggestions?

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