Back for smack … or so *grin*

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Max St. George lineerlay-resident 11 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Irina Dashuria



After leaving the DEPD to make a more interessting career in some, well, customer care business Irina found out, that this was not the job she wanted. So she quits, small minded people would say she got fired as hell and kicked out like a football ... but this are just little details anyway, not important.

Irina leaves the bus at the bus stop in little asia and is impressed by the way how Dead End changes after her last stay here. So she roams around and takes a few looks here and there.
To cover the first few days Irina decides to take a room at the motel, not really a nice place but its a place to sleep at least.

OOC Info:
I am german, but i (at least hope so) that my english will do it for RPing and my timezone is slt +9h.

I just stole this from Bearen so please forgive me *blinks and looks extra sweet* Becaus i like it so my chat is IC only, if you want to send me an IC IM start with [cellphone] or [cellphone text] so i can see its meant to be IC.

November 30, 2013 at 7:12 am
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