Assault, Battery, Kidnapping and Theft at Busted Knuckles

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:
20:46, 11/21/11

Incident Location:
Basement of the Busted Knuckle Garage

Officers Attending:
Officer Snow, Officer Baber

Alleged Offense Committed:
Assault, Battery, Kidnapping, Theft

Further Action:
Took statement from witness, apprehended two suspects that fit the description of the perps walking away from the scene of the crime.

Unknown female, short, brunette hair, wearing flower print mid-length dress, new to town.

Byank Spore, Female, Blonde (byank.spore)
Fender Rhode (TheFender Rhode)

Isabelle Sperber (isabelle.torok)
Unknown male pointed Officer Snow towards the crime scene just before the 911 call.

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:
From accounts, a knife is believed to be the weapon.

Evidence Recovered:
CSU found smudged fingerprints on the handle to the basement but were unable to get a clear print, looks like someone with gloves smudged 'em. Brunette hairs and blood from an unknown individual, possibly the vic. Sent to the crime lab for processing. Isabelle Sperber identified the two as the assailants but refused to sign a witness statement, citing concern that they would find out who she was and attack her.

Fingerprinted the two suspects.

Summary of Events:
Witnesses described two individuals, male and female, dragging a third (unknown) female down into the basement of the Busted Knuckle. One witness reported "threats of cutting".

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Elizabeth Snow
Bishop Baber

Below is a witness statement taken by Officer Baber:

"There was some girl that another man and a woman had down in the basement of the garage here. I heard her crying and I went to the door to see what was happening and it appeared that were roughing her up a bit. Then all of a suddenly they all just took off running. I heard some discussion going on between the ones that were holding this girl against her will. Seems like they must have heard me upstairs and let her go."

"Well there was a lot of swearing, the man was calling her names and it sounded like he might have slapped her. Then I heard the other woman say to let her go and then she told the girl to run, and ell they all bolted out of her like a bat out of hell"

Byank Spore claimed initially to have been at the market at the time of the attack, though later changed her story to having been with a man named "Dean". Said, during interrogation, that the individual was the brother of some man named "Leah". The phone number was confirmed and the male that answered confirmed her story.

Fender Rhode said he was at the warehouse where the two were apprehended, waiting for Ms. Spore. He was unable to verify his whereabouts at the exact time of the assault, claiming "he couldn't remember exactly when". They then claim that they were going to go to the "medic" after since Ms. Spore was feeling unwell.

Witness confirmed their identities upon questioning and their alibis were shaky. The two were indicted on assault, battery, and robbery. Sentenced to 24 hours in jail, 9 days probation and $30,000 fine. The fine was waived because Rhode agreed to assist in the rebuilding of Lulu's. Spore is pregnant and unable to do hard labor, so Rhode is covering her portion of the fines.

November 22, 2011 at 6:53 am
Profile photo of elizabethsnow



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November 23, 2011 at 9:54 pm
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