Assault and Battery at BDP

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:
11/15/11, 9:00pm (approx)

Incident Location:
BDP Productions Office

Officers Attending:
Officer Snow
Officer Bellic

Alleged Offense Committed:
Assault and battery.

Further Action:
CSU processed crime scene and retrieved DNA and prints from two individuals, both are bring run through the database. Spoke to Spike McNeil, owner of BDP and Chrissy (last name unknown) at the scene. Also spoke with the vic regarding events. Investigation pending.

Alwyn Keng

Two unknown white males, description in witness statement attached. (bogass ; simonSoulway)

Spike McNeil, Chrissy

Items Stolen or Taken:
None known.

Weapons Used:
Whip, kung fu sword (?)

Evidence Recovered:
Fingerprints and trace DNA from the handle of the sword and camcorder that struck the assailants. Fingerprints are being run through APHIS, DNA out for analysis.

Summary of Events:
Ms. Keng was giving the two males a tour of the city. She brought them up to show them BDP's location and they shoved her into the office and locked the door. She was beaten and threatened and then solicited to work for them as a whore and pimp. Partway through this, the first perpetrator left the scene for unknown reasons. When Ms. Keng refused, they became agitated. It was at that time that Mr. McNeil and Chrissy arrived and Ms. Keng asked them for help. When Mr. McNeil entered the studio, the perpetrator fled the scene through a window.

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Elizabeth Snow

[Attached - Notes taken by Officer Bellic upon questioning of the witness.]

taller than miss Keng..pale skin..wearing all black. and has pointy looking vampire teeth]

" were two..but the other one ran out earlier. was taller, blond...bad temper"]

scar blond one had one over his eyes...and the the dark haired one...I dont remember any on him]

"the short dark haired one wore all black and I think fancied himself a vampire]

and he knew some kung foo shit ...and his sword is over against the wall"]

was going to give the dark haired guy a tour of the city" "and wanted to come here first. shoved Miss Keng in and locked the door.. blond haired friend was waiting up here for him"]

both told Miss keng was going to be keeping them company and decided to tie her to a cross and whip her when she did not agree with their plans]

the blond guy had to leave for some reason...and then the vampire guy started becoming real though he wanted her to like him and to help him with some ..stuff]

"the dark haired wanted her to fuck them both without a fight...was going to beat her until she said yes. then , after beating her up he offered her a job to be a kind of pimp for him and gather up girls. she say offer me a was pretty much him saying she either do it or she dies]

the dark haired man changed from threatening her to being real nice and began to sit downand talk to her about how she could prove he could trust her so he would allow her to leave..and then Spike came"]

November 16, 2011 at 2:54 am
Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)

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