April Marse and her new found freedom.

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Full Birth Name: April Jessica Marse
Current Name: April Marse
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Open
Nicknames: None
Astrological Sign: Aries
Astrological Meaning: ARIES SIGN INFORMATION
Date of Birth: April 1
Age: Eighteen [18]
Place of Birth: Buffalo, New york
Current Location: Dead End
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hair Color || Eye Color: Dark Brown || Hazel/light brown
Height || Weight: 5'3" || 110 Pounds
Family || Status: Brian Marse[Father] ||Deceased
Lilly Marse[Mother] ||Deceased
Occupation: None
Smokes || Drinks || Drugs: No || No || Prescription
Fears: Sexual contact [Genophobia]
Needles [Trypanophobia]
Human contact [Aphephobia]
Herself [Autophhobia]
Darkness [Nyctophobia]
Disorders: Pyromania, Schizophrenic symptoms, DID.
Weaknesses: Shy, cocky, stubborn, gullible.
Likes || Dislikes: Jess, the dark, St.Jude, being alone, straight jackets.
Personality: April as a person is very sheltered, she curls her self up into this little nut shell, and refuses to even step out of it. However, if you are able to break that shell, you'll discover that she's pretty normal. She's cocky, and rude at times, but if you are lucky enough to get close to her, she'll attach herself to you, and wont let go. Ever. She's not exactly a nice person, but she tries her best. This is mostly based on the fact that she's dealt with a lot of negativity in her life. She desperately craves normality, and will do anything to achieve that. She also craves freedom, and she'd give her life for it.

April was born in New york city, in a small suburban neighborhood. Her parents, Lilly and Brian Marse, loved their daughter. April grew up pretty normally until she reached the age of seven. It was then when April began to show signs of schizophrenia. She was taken to a therapist and eventually diagnosed. This came to shock to her doctor, considering that schizophrenia is never usually diagnosed at that young. As April began to grow, so did her mind.

She developed DID (Dissociative Identity disorder) when she reached the age of eleven. Despite all her problems, Aprils parents still loved her as if there was nothing wrong with her, no in their eyes, April was beautiful, just a butterfly with a broken wing. April began to see a figure, who she called the dark man, and he began to haunt her, causing her to be terrified of him. Well, one day when April was thirteen, Aprils other personality, Jess, convinced her that her parents had been kidnapped by the dark man. He had replaced them with identical clones, and the only way to get her real parents back was to kill the clones. Normally, April would have ignored Jess, but well, she can be very convincing sometimes.

So, she did. Her father had kept a shot gun, locked up of course, April managed to get it, via a lock pick. She waited till her parents were asleep, and shot them, twice, once in the head, and once in the chest. Oh but she didn't stop there,she had to hide the bodies, so she chopped them up, and stuffed them into a large meat freezer her father had kept in their basement.

After several weeks, some of the neighbors became worried, and called the police to report Lily and Brian missing. They questioned April, and after investigating, discovered what she had done. April was sentenced to St.Judes Kindersanatorium in New Jersey, were she was to be rehabilitated. Recently, she's been released due to a complication of her case. She's homeless, and for now...she's a squatter. Relocating to New york wasn't a good idea, according to her state funded lawyer, so they dropped her into Dead end, with just a little money in her pocket, she's just trying to survive.

April 9, 2012 at 1:53 am
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