and So it begins

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I've been around DE for a couple of months now, but just finally broke down and registered here to help keep up with things, will use this diary to get my activities brought up to speed.

and So it begins.....

I finally arrived in Deadend City, having tracked the two responsible individuals here. I spent several weeks getting to know the lay of the land and the various citizens here. A rather unusual bunch so far, but many are like sheep and appear to be led astray. At first I thought it might be wise to set up practice with the local hospital there. Stopping by one afternoon to speak with the chief of staff, I noted the lack of staff there, the almost abandoned feel, I nearly expected to see tumbleweeds and leaves blowing through the vacant hallways. As I pressed on my investigation lead me to the upper floors where I finally heard what seemed voices. I peered my head inside one door to find 3 individuals, two of which were attempting to play Dr. on the third. Observing their total lack of skill and the fact that had they continued they would certainly kill the poor injured individual I stepped in and introduced myself to them and offered my help. After an hour or so I managed to stabalize the young woman on the table, her condition was a bit serious had it not been for my well trained knowledge and skilled hands she would have surely made a home in the basement morgue. Thus I set myself up as a capable individual in the eyes of at least these 3 not to mention a debt that one day I could collect on should the need arise. Having seen the working conditions I would be subjected to I chose not to persue a position just as of yet, maybe once I have completed my primary objective I can then step in and settle down.

I finally secured an small but adequate abandoned building outside of the city limits and have it primarily set up with the basic necessities to begin my work, Now to just find those two bastards that kicked me to the curb without so much as a thank you...they will pay and pay dearly for what they did to me.

May 18, 2010 at 3:05 pm
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